Wednesday, July 20, 2005

New Bed

Erin is excited to be getting a new bed tomorrow! The reason for needing a new bed, is her deconstruction of her custome-made "big girl bed". Strangely enough, a wooden toddler bed does not support two "big girls" swinging, Tarzan style, from the support board between the posters. As crushed as I was, Erin seemed to think Grandpa Rahija would forgive her, and she is anxiously awaiting her new bigger, big girl bed (a twin bed). Grandma even found some Blues Clues sheets on a garage sale, and we've been using the pillowcase this week.

Hopefully we can have her room cleaned by tomorrow evening, as grandma and grandpa are coming over to deliver the bed and eat dinner with us! I hope I have my kitchen cleaned too! Thank goodness for dishwashers!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Another New Consultant!

I have great news to report! On Friday afternoon, my team gained a wonderful new addition! We welcome Michele R to our team and are excited to help her get started! She has two very specific goals in mind for the beginning of her business, 1. to teach women how to and why it's important to take care of their skin and 2. to raise money for a move to a new city. The great thing is that she will definitely be able to do both things, and do them simultaneously. Also, she will be able to take her business with her when she moves, as Mary Kay has no territories or regions, and we are in over 20 countries world-wide! What a great opportunity for her! I am so pleased, because Michele is such a sweet girl, with some great life experience under her belt. She is going to do great things in Mary Kay, and I am pleased to be on the journey with her!

This brings me to a little problem. I have been trying to figure out a name for our team, and have come up with some ideas, but nothing that really grabs me. I want the idea of "seeking" to be involved in some way, as we are each seeking something, whether it be to reach women for Christ, make a few extra bucks, become a director or NSD, win the cars, ... we are seeking something. However, I don't like "Sarah's seekers" because it seems like they are seeking me, and that is not what I want to portray! It's nice to use alliteration, like our unit is "Derrell's Driving Divas". I've also heard Wanda's Wonders, Shaw's Shining Stars, ... Then again, there are some without, and that's fine too, SOOOOO, I'm asking for your help. I like words like seek, serve/servant/service, reaching, streatching, ... I also would like to try to use Sarah or Rahija as the beginning, but it's not necessary. I know some of you who read my blog are VERY word-creative, so unleash the creative juices and let me know what results! Please!

That brings our team to 6 this month! I am hoping to get back on target for the Vibe this month too, and as Michele is wanting to order a great inventory package, I think the rest of us can pull together to get us there! The company has some great incentives this month/quarter for us, too, and I can't wait to help my gals reach their goals and dream bigger than they've ever dreamed before!

Well, I need to get ready for our trip to Lawrence this afternoon. Have a great week!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Erin has Returned to the building

I picked Erin up in Salina today. She's been visiting Athol since Saturday, with Grandpa and Grandma Gerstenkorn. She was taller, browner, and full of stories from the farm (cows, mudpies, climing the guidewires from telephone poles, digging in Great Grandpa B's garden ...). She was also very tired, and needing some snuggling from mommy and daddy -- this made us happy! Upon arriving home, she began helping Daddy and Grandpa Rahija work on the Bronco. It was sure cute to see her two little legs sticking out from under the Bronco next to Grandpa's long legs. She soon tired of lying on the driveway, however, and resorted to tossing water in the general direction of the Bronco from the bench next to the house. It's good to have her home again, even if she didn't want to stay inside for a bath or stop coloring with markers at bedtime. Love her ... missed her ... glad to have had a little break from her! Thank goodness for Grandparents (on BOTH sides!)!!!

Oh, sidenote, congrats to our friends Jamin and Leah Will on the birth of their son, Levi Davis! What a precious little bundle of joy!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Grandma Boeck

Well, news for Grandma Boeck is that they removed 1300 cc of fluid from her lung cavity today. That's 1 1/3 liters -- when I think of that inside my very skinny grandma, it's kinda scary! She's doing much better, but apparently there was much more pain this time than last. However, they were on their way home this afternoon. Hopefully she can slow down some, instead of trying to have the most beautiful lawn in Gaylord, KS, and growing enough corn for everyone in the county -- they don't learn! Thanks for your prayers, she (and I) have appreciated them!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Funny Erin Insight

I have been meaning to post this for a few weeks, and keep forgetting, but it is priceless. As we are preparing for a new baby in our family, Erin's new cousin, or "cousint" as she used to say, we have been talking quite a bit about how the baby is growing in Aunt Chellie's tummy. I have the Mayo Clinic's Pregnancy and Baby's First Year book, from when I was pregnant with Erin, and it has some great pictures of baby development in the womb, with actual color pictures. I found these and thought it might help Erin understand that the baby was taking time to grow, and when she was done growing, then she would come out, but until then, she had to stay safe inside Aunt Chellie. This was great for a few days, and we had lots of neat conversations. About four days into this, however, I see a look of doubt and confusion on Erin's face. A few moments later, Erin places her hand on my leg, looks into my eyes with a look of pity and consolation, and says, "Mommy, I don't think those are babies in the pictures."

I can see how this might be confusing to her, so I asked her what she thought they were. Again, with the hand on my leg, patting me in sympathy for my mistake, she breaks the news as gently as she can ... "Mommy, I'm pretty sure those are squirrels. It's okay, mommy, but those aren't babies."

Now, I can see why she would say this, as the babies' cords are plainly visible, and their arms and legs are not fully grown. How, though, was I supposed to hold in the laughter??! Well, I couldn't, and although I think Erin still thought I was in denial, she laughed too. What a precious moment in my life! I laughed so hard I cried, and Erin laughed because she thought I was insane! See, there are plenty of joyful moments to outshine the negative ones! I would have to say this is the funniest things she's said, except maybe the time she first saw kiwis and ran into the room holding two of them exclaiming, "Look mom, hairy acorns!"

Yep, it's great to be the mom of a two year old!

Busy times

Yes, yes, it's been a while! With the Mary Kay year coming to an end, and lots of family things going on, it's been a busy two weeks! My Mary Kay team is doing well, and I am officially a Team Leader, which bumped my commission check up to 9% instead of 4%, which will be great this month! We had a great production, and are starting to function as a team! I also was a team captain in our unit to try to rally the troops to place an order to finish strong this seminar year. We didn't reach our goal, but did 50% more production than last month, so it was a success! Thanks to the ladies who worked hard to do that! The Driving Divas will wrap up the second cadillac in September or before! Congrats to Jill Derrell, our fabulous director!

Last weekend we stayed in Kansas City with Grandma Rahija while mom and dad were out of town. We enjoyed visiting with Grandma (Granny, for Erin), Jim and Pat, and the Parkway Baptist Church family. David and I helped lead music worship for the service Sunday morning, and had a great time!

This weekend is preparation for Michelle's baby shower (which is Sunday evening), and includes a visit from Krista! Erin is very excited (as are we all). I'm sure it will be fun, and hopefully we'll get John and Michelle's house pretty well finished! Baby Riggs is arriving soon, and we are all excited to meet her!

My grandma Boeck has fluid on her lungs again, much like she did when I started this whole blog thing. They are in Kearney, NE today trying to figure out what to do. Please keep her in prayer.

Well, I think that about does it. I have a new Mary Kay Look Book (catalog) for the new quarter, and my personal website has been revamped again, offering new options for everyone! The summer nail colors are hot, and the new lip colors (there are 22!) are great for summer, fall, and all year round! If you'd like to try anything, please let me know!

Enjoy the 4th of July weekend, and travel safe! As I always say, "Watch out for deers and drunks!"