Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Much Ado ...

Yes, yes, it's been weeks since I've last posted! Sorry ... life seems to have taken a swing toward crazy, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down any! Since my last entry, I've been to Dallas for the Mary Kay seminar ... which was AMAZING and I am very excited to lead my team to become a unit this year, and return as a director next year, with David attending as well. I had a wonderful time, and enjoyed the "girl time" with the gals from our unit. I have a new niece, Natalie Renee, born August 1st, to John and Michelle Riggs. Erin is a proud new cousin, and although we have only seen Natalie in person once, we talk about her frequently and enjoy looking at her pictures!

We also have another piece of exciting news. Last Thursday, we went to see Dr. Peck and the fabulous staff at Olathe OB/GYN and saw our baby's heartbeat for the first time. The new Rahija will make an appearance in late March, due the 27th. We are very excited, although mommy is very tired of the "morning" (more like any time of day) sickness and feeling zapped all the time. Erin was sick last Wednesday with fever/vomitting ... thankfully I didn't catch that, although I felt like doing it right along with her! We covet your prayers during this time, as we know things are uncertain for the first trimester (we're about 9 weeks along now), and at any point in the pregnancy. I feel God's peace, and am not worrying everyday, just thankful for the life inside me. I am already changing shape, and will probably be in maternity clothes before too long ... whoever "they" are that say you don't hold the second one in like the first was right, I guess, ... bye bye "girlish figure"! I'm happy to lose shape, or at least distinctively change shapes! I hope you are all having a wonderful day!