Tuesday, February 27, 2007
You know me ...
I feel I need to apologize for my blog entry on the heat-related instances in our home ... my husband just chastized me for not writing often enough, so that my entries would not be so long ... but I fear that they might be just as long, as I am long of wind ... so with that, I apologize for taking up so much of your time, and thank you for enduring and perservering to the end of my entries!
Other points of interest ...
if you can't see our pictures on the David or Sarah Rahija blogs, our webhost is acting up ...
we put another offer on the condo today (really a revised offer, that isn't really much different, it just uses less closing costs, and we increased our monthly payment by about $7.) According the the listing agent, they have another offer, which was less than ours, and we were a little confused, but we think he was either epecting another (new) offer this evening also, or a revised offer from the other party. I hope that we are not, once again, being used as a bargaining chip. If so, though, we know that this is not The One, and God would have us wait for our "needle" ...
Avery went to sleep on her own tonight, as I sat by her crib, with few tears, and no rocking! We read a story two times, "Bugs at Play", which she really enjoyed, and had lots of hugs and kisses. She though it was funny that I sat on the floor and she could reach through the bars and touch my face. She learned to identify and say "eye" tonight (poor Abby, those blinky eyes may never feel the same again!). She also has been "cruising" quite a bit, especially enjoying coffee tables as her guide ...
Erin made her own newspaper today, complete with lots of details, a picture, and even a decent layout! All we need is a "spell check" installed into her orange marker, and she'll be ready for the world of journalism. She also wrote most of the numbers on a desk calendar in Ron's makeshift office today. Our favorites were 15 and 16, written 51 and 61 ...
David worked from home today, which was wonderful! It was nice to just have him here, even though he spent most of his day in the office. He stepped in to help with the girls every once in a while, and we all took a walk together after 5, which was very refreshing, if a little chilly ...
Okay, that's it, just wanted to share a few thoughts from today!
if you can't see our pictures on the David or Sarah Rahija blogs, our webhost is acting up ...
we put another offer on the condo today (really a revised offer, that isn't really much different, it just uses less closing costs, and we increased our monthly payment by about $7.) According the the listing agent, they have another offer, which was less than ours, and we were a little confused, but we think he was either epecting another (new) offer this evening also, or a revised offer from the other party. I hope that we are not, once again, being used as a bargaining chip. If so, though, we know that this is not The One, and God would have us wait for our "needle" ...
Avery went to sleep on her own tonight, as I sat by her crib, with few tears, and no rocking! We read a story two times, "Bugs at Play", which she really enjoyed, and had lots of hugs and kisses. She though it was funny that I sat on the floor and she could reach through the bars and touch my face. She learned to identify and say "eye" tonight (poor Abby, those blinky eyes may never feel the same again!). She also has been "cruising" quite a bit, especially enjoying coffee tables as her guide ...
Erin made her own newspaper today, complete with lots of details, a picture, and even a decent layout! All we need is a "spell check" installed into her orange marker, and she'll be ready for the world of journalism. She also wrote most of the numbers on a desk calendar in Ron's makeshift office today. Our favorites were 15 and 16, written 51 and 61 ...
David worked from home today, which was wonderful! It was nice to just have him here, even though he spent most of his day in the office. He stepped in to help with the girls every once in a while, and we all took a walk together after 5, which was very refreshing, if a little chilly ...
Okay, that's it, just wanted to share a few thoughts from today!
Recently, we have had a series of exciting events revolving around heat in our house. Before you get nervous, this is not a recount of our "personal time", but life in general at Rahija Central ...
I guess the first event was Thanksgiving, which, I realize was a long time ago, but as I was cooking potatoes for our feast at the Riggs' home, I turned on the wrong burner, and set fire to an innocent hotpad, that was waiting on the "wrong burner". When I realized the blunder, I quickly removed the smoking hotpad to the sink. On the downward spiral toward the stainless steel sink, the potholder burst into flame, leaving a trail of black smoke and black "flakies". Needless to say, it went out with style.
More recently, Erin had a little run-in with fire, starting with Avery's diaper .... It was a normal evening, and Avery had just been cleaned up from her "daily deposite" which was especially fragrant. Erin was complaining, and as I had a candle burning in my room, she was reminded of on of the purposes of candles, and asked if she could have a candle in her room. I was a bit hesitant, but told her if she would leave the votive on the shelf in her room, then I would allow her to have the candle in her room for a while. She agreed, and we had a brief recount of how fire is dangerous. I lit the votive, placed it on the shelf, and left. A few minutes later (less than 5), she ran to the office, where David and I were looking at some real estate listings on line. Breathless, she communicated to us that there was something burning in her room. With a bit of sarcasm, I asked her if it was the candle. She vigorously shook her head, and commented that it was fire, it was on the floor, and it was scaring her. I ran down the hall toward her room, where I could see, through the slat of the door, flames flickering merrily on the carpet. This hastened my steps even more, and I sailed into action. Now, ordinarily, in any room in any house this would be a bad situation, BUT, in Erin's room, in our house, it is disasterous. For those of you who have seen Erin's abode, you can attest to it's general state (paper bits, toys, clothing, crayons, markers, stickers, bedding, books, .... can all be found on the floor), which also heightened the intensity of this event. I found a small area in flames, grabbed the nearest thing I could find to smother/beat out the flame, which was, to my dismay, my favorite little girl dress, cream with pink flowers. Well, we extinguished the blaze, and tried to pick out the truth of what happened in those >5 minutes. To the best of our understanding, this is Erin's rendition ... "Well, I was wanting to watch the candle, so I climbed up on my bed and got it off the shelf and put it on my drawers by my bed. Then, I was tired of it, and wanted to get it out, and I thought it would be good to pour water on it, so I got some, but then I got scared that the fire would get on me if I poured water on it, so I got a wetwipe, and tried to get it out, but suddenly, it got on fire, and I was scared, but I needed to take it to the sink in the bathroom, so I started going there. Then the fires got too much, and I was going to get burned, so I had to drop it, and that's why it's on the floor." We were thankful for many things, mainly, that she was not hurt, Avery was not hurt, and that our house did not burn to the ground. We were proud that Erin came to get us, and tell us when there was an emergency, not hide in the closet, which would have been very easy. A wetwipe-shaped burn mark on the carpet is better, by far, than one on an arm, leg, or tummy! We are so thankful everyone was safe (except the very cute dress, which did not survive the incident).
Okay, the most recent event did not involve actual flames, but intense scorching via heat. Let me start by saying the smell of burned ... no, CHARRED ... microwave popcorn is a haunting, invasive stench ... better, I'm sure than the smell of charred flesh, but still, very distasteful. Yesterday, Erin was a little hungry, and I guess right after I went upstairs to get dressed for the day, decided to make a snack of microwave popcorn. Erin LOVES popcorn, not merely for the flavor, but the entire process ... unwrapping the bag, placing it on the turntable, closing the door, and watching it puff up as the tiny seeds burst into a fluffy, buttery snack. Having watched and partially participated in this ritual many times, she felt confident enough to try it solo. During this time, I am trying to figure out what to wear, upstairs, trying to locate my glasses, and got distracted with something in my room, and I suddenly smell the buttery scent of popcorn. I remember thinking to myself that the popcorn from last night would not have lingered into the morning, especially with that "hot buttery" smell. I felt the familiar prickle of "something's wrong with this picture", and hurried to the stairs, where I hollered down to Erin, asking her what she was doing. The ALL too familiar "Nothing!" greeted me, followed by a cloud of black smoke. I sprinted down the remaining stairs, and yelled for Erin to get out of the kitched, and I think I was also screaming for her to tell me what she did. I feared she had tried to make popcorn on the stove or in the oven, but rounded the corner into the kitchen to find black smoke pouring from the microwave. I yanked open the door, and slammed it shut again, as the smoke detectors chimed in, adding to the general din of our happy little gathering in the kitchen. After making sure the popcorn was not actually afire, I grabbed a cookie sheet, and started fanning the smoke detector, hoping to squelch one of the noise sources. Logic soon grabbed me by the nose (which was filled with smoke), and I quickly opened the front and back doors. I also realized that the smoke was stinging my eyes and burning my lungs, so I took both girls, who were also making much noise, and took them up to their room, opened their window, and closed their door. When once again trying to pluck the truth of the situation from my four year old, I was met with her logic and independence, which I fear, may one day cost our family dearly. She informed me, that she was simply hungry for a little snack of popcorn, so she got a chair, grabbed a package of popcorn from the top of the fridge, moved her chair to the microwave, tore off the plastic, laid the bag down in the microwave, shut the door, and looked at the numbers on the keypad. She found the number "5", and since she likes that number, she pushed it, and "What do you know, the microwave started turning!". After a while, she noticed a whisp of smoke coming from the microwave, so, she took in as big of a breath as she could, and blew with all her might, so to put out the fire (which, of course, is the source of smoke!). She did this for quite a while, I guess, for I remember hearing her puffing when I came into the kitchen. She was worried, but didn't think it was necessary to call me or let me know what was going on-- "I had everything under control, Mom." Sooo, now we have a stinky house (although it is much better today, thanks to yesterday's vacuuming, and last night Febreeze attacks), and a little girl who keeps complaining about the smell of our house. Anyone wanna come over?!
Thus ends (we pray) the tale of heat-inspired adventures of the 4 Rahijas.
I guess the first event was Thanksgiving, which, I realize was a long time ago, but as I was cooking potatoes for our feast at the Riggs' home, I turned on the wrong burner, and set fire to an innocent hotpad, that was waiting on the "wrong burner". When I realized the blunder, I quickly removed the smoking hotpad to the sink. On the downward spiral toward the stainless steel sink, the potholder burst into flame, leaving a trail of black smoke and black "flakies". Needless to say, it went out with style.
More recently, Erin had a little run-in with fire, starting with Avery's diaper .... It was a normal evening, and Avery had just been cleaned up from her "daily deposite" which was especially fragrant. Erin was complaining, and as I had a candle burning in my room, she was reminded of on of the purposes of candles, and asked if she could have a candle in her room. I was a bit hesitant, but told her if she would leave the votive on the shelf in her room, then I would allow her to have the candle in her room for a while. She agreed, and we had a brief recount of how fire is dangerous. I lit the votive, placed it on the shelf, and left. A few minutes later (less than 5), she ran to the office, where David and I were looking at some real estate listings on line. Breathless, she communicated to us that there was something burning in her room. With a bit of sarcasm, I asked her if it was the candle. She vigorously shook her head, and commented that it was fire, it was on the floor, and it was scaring her. I ran down the hall toward her room, where I could see, through the slat of the door, flames flickering merrily on the carpet. This hastened my steps even more, and I sailed into action. Now, ordinarily, in any room in any house this would be a bad situation, BUT, in Erin's room, in our house, it is disasterous. For those of you who have seen Erin's abode, you can attest to it's general state (paper bits, toys, clothing, crayons, markers, stickers, bedding, books, .... can all be found on the floor), which also heightened the intensity of this event. I found a small area in flames, grabbed the nearest thing I could find to smother/beat out the flame, which was, to my dismay, my favorite little girl dress, cream with pink flowers. Well, we extinguished the blaze, and tried to pick out the truth of what happened in those >5 minutes. To the best of our understanding, this is Erin's rendition ... "Well, I was wanting to watch the candle, so I climbed up on my bed and got it off the shelf and put it on my drawers by my bed. Then, I was tired of it, and wanted to get it out, and I thought it would be good to pour water on it, so I got some, but then I got scared that the fire would get on me if I poured water on it, so I got a wetwipe, and tried to get it out, but suddenly, it got on fire, and I was scared, but I needed to take it to the sink in the bathroom, so I started going there. Then the fires got too much, and I was going to get burned, so I had to drop it, and that's why it's on the floor." We were thankful for many things, mainly, that she was not hurt, Avery was not hurt, and that our house did not burn to the ground. We were proud that Erin came to get us, and tell us when there was an emergency, not hide in the closet, which would have been very easy. A wetwipe-shaped burn mark on the carpet is better, by far, than one on an arm, leg, or tummy! We are so thankful everyone was safe (except the very cute dress, which did not survive the incident).
Okay, the most recent event did not involve actual flames, but intense scorching via heat. Let me start by saying the smell of burned ... no, CHARRED ... microwave popcorn is a haunting, invasive stench ... better, I'm sure than the smell of charred flesh, but still, very distasteful. Yesterday, Erin was a little hungry, and I guess right after I went upstairs to get dressed for the day, decided to make a snack of microwave popcorn. Erin LOVES popcorn, not merely for the flavor, but the entire process ... unwrapping the bag, placing it on the turntable, closing the door, and watching it puff up as the tiny seeds burst into a fluffy, buttery snack. Having watched and partially participated in this ritual many times, she felt confident enough to try it solo. During this time, I am trying to figure out what to wear, upstairs, trying to locate my glasses, and got distracted with something in my room, and I suddenly smell the buttery scent of popcorn. I remember thinking to myself that the popcorn from last night would not have lingered into the morning, especially with that "hot buttery" smell. I felt the familiar prickle of "something's wrong with this picture", and hurried to the stairs, where I hollered down to Erin, asking her what she was doing. The ALL too familiar "Nothing!" greeted me, followed by a cloud of black smoke. I sprinted down the remaining stairs, and yelled for Erin to get out of the kitched, and I think I was also screaming for her to tell me what she did. I feared she had tried to make popcorn on the stove or in the oven, but rounded the corner into the kitchen to find black smoke pouring from the microwave. I yanked open the door, and slammed it shut again, as the smoke detectors chimed in, adding to the general din of our happy little gathering in the kitchen. After making sure the popcorn was not actually afire, I grabbed a cookie sheet, and started fanning the smoke detector, hoping to squelch one of the noise sources. Logic soon grabbed me by the nose (which was filled with smoke), and I quickly opened the front and back doors. I also realized that the smoke was stinging my eyes and burning my lungs, so I took both girls, who were also making much noise, and took them up to their room, opened their window, and closed their door. When once again trying to pluck the truth of the situation from my four year old, I was met with her logic and independence, which I fear, may one day cost our family dearly. She informed me, that she was simply hungry for a little snack of popcorn, so she got a chair, grabbed a package of popcorn from the top of the fridge, moved her chair to the microwave, tore off the plastic, laid the bag down in the microwave, shut the door, and looked at the numbers on the keypad. She found the number "5", and since she likes that number, she pushed it, and "What do you know, the microwave started turning!". After a while, she noticed a whisp of smoke coming from the microwave, so, she took in as big of a breath as she could, and blew with all her might, so to put out the fire (which, of course, is the source of smoke!). She did this for quite a while, I guess, for I remember hearing her puffing when I came into the kitchen. She was worried, but didn't think it was necessary to call me or let me know what was going on-- "I had everything under control, Mom." Sooo, now we have a stinky house (although it is much better today, thanks to yesterday's vacuuming, and last night Febreeze attacks), and a little girl who keeps complaining about the smell of our house. Anyone wanna come over?!
Thus ends (we pray) the tale of heat-inspired adventures of the 4 Rahijas.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
....the Erinism of the day
So, it's been a while since we've had a fun Erinism, and while today's fun phrase was spoken correctly, I am a bit unsure of her intended meaning. While getting ready for church last week, I called Erin into the bathroom to brush her hair and asked her to brush her teeth. She hates doing both, but she reluctantly came in and let me brush her hair. She was "admiring herself" afterwards, and I continued getting ready. She suddenly got on the floor, where I had the next pile of laundry slated to hit the washer waiting. She lays down on it, and squirms around, adjusting, and getting comfortable. I asked what she was doing, and she didn't really respond, except for a cheesy grin, and more adjusting. I let it sit a minute, and then asked her to go brush her teeth. She looked up with the same cheesy grin and said, "No mommy, I'm in here marinating with you." I was confused, and asked what she meant. She said, "You know, marinating! I'm marinating with you!" Still confused I repeated the tooth brushing request, and stood her up out of the dirty laundry, and helped her out the door.
I can only assume she meant she wanted to spend meaningful or quality time with me. I thought it was pretty cute.
I can only assume she meant she wanted to spend meaningful or quality time with me. I thought it was pretty cute.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Another Go
Just an update on the housing/lack of housing situation ... we put an offer on a condo today, on Jana Drive, in Lawrence. This is our 3rd or 4th attempt. God has protected us and closed the doors on those deals ... and David was able to accept his new job. It's a bit more than we'd hoped, but a very nice place, and we think it will be a great place for us, as we complete the transition into Lawrence life. We think Ron, our realtor, is getting tired of us, as we've been at this since November! We feel he knows us pretty well, and is getting to know Dad and Mom Rahija pretty well too -- he even met Grandma Looney this week! We've been so blessed by his help - we can actually hold a conversation with others about real estate issues now, and not feel completely lost, and can look through a house fairly quickly, knowing what we are looking for/needing. This condo is in the same home owners association as our friends Matt and Dena Broderick (Dena's the president), so we would already know some neighbors, too! Please keep us in prayer as we wait for God's perfect timing and plan, not ours! Thanks!
Friday, February 09, 2007
A Fresh Look
Okay, with all the stress of our life lately, Erin has been acting out a bit, and one of her latest stunts involved scissors. She was at her art center/easel and suddenly became enraged because her hair was getting in her face as she was making "L"s. Rather than bother anyone else, Erin took matters into her own hands, literally, as a pair of purple safety scissors became her venting tool. Yep, she took care of the problem, hacking away, over the trash can. I found her this way, as we were heading out the door to Lawrence. Maybe she tried to reinvent the mullet, but in my opinion, that venture was unsuccessful. We made an emergency appointment at Z's Cosomotology School, and it was a fun trip. Erin was dressed very cute, in her new brown boots (Aunt Michelle), a pink sweater (garage sale find), and her new brown hat (Aunt Krista, from a trip to France). All the girls were making a fuss over how cute Erin looked, until suddenly Erin tore the hat from her head, and the stunning hair do plus static rendered the crowd speechless. They slowly and silently started back to ward their individual stations, and the "lucky" student cutter still stood shocked and silent. The instructor came over to help the student in her selection, and was also stunned. They looked to me for some answers and I shared the story, and they looked to me again and asked what I wanted them to do. I told them I didn't really care about the style, I just wanted them to fix it. They said they'd try their best, but there were a few things that would just have to grow a bit before they could do much to help. I said it was fine, and that we'd just work with what was there. Kayla did a nice job, and Erin did look cute upon leaving. The only problem is, that when we don't "fix" it, she looks a bit boyish, unless she's wearing really girly clothing, so I'm trying to watch that (a man called her "buddy" last week - she didn't know what he was implying, but I did).
Anyway, it was kind of funny, and in the midst of all the other stuff going on here, it was just "one more thing" to add to our daily drama. I took some pics of Erin post-safety scissor cut and post Z's cut, when she and I had a "salon day" at home, including some fantabulous Aloha Pink lipgloss and other bold items. We did each others' hair and makeup - I'm mostly decked out with My Little Pony accessories :) Enjoy our pics!

Anyway, it was kind of funny, and in the midst of all the other stuff going on here, it was just "one more thing" to add to our daily drama. I took some pics of Erin post-safety scissor cut and post Z's cut, when she and I had a "salon day" at home, including some fantabulous Aloha Pink lipgloss and other bold items. We did each others' hair and makeup - I'm mostly decked out with My Little Pony accessories :) Enjoy our pics!
Friday, February 02, 2007
getting to know you, getting to know all about you
I hate that tune, and now it will be stuck in my head for the evening ... oh well. My friend Kylie P sent this to me, and although I don't usually fill these out, I am feeding Avery, and don't have anything else to do, so ...
2. What color are your socks right now? white with gray toes/heels (yes, boring today)
3. What are you listening to right now? You've Stollen My Heart (that's my guess, anyway, from the repeats in the chorus, its on 88.5)
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a little snack of apple coffee cake, mmm
5. Can you drive a stick shift? If I HAD to, I could get down the road in one, like if I was being chased by a herd of stampeding elephants, or a psycho killer or something.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I always choose green, but I also like deep purple, and also macaroni and cheese (just because it's a fun name!)
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? David, for our "post-lunch phone call date"
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? yes! We were in a Bible study together for a while, and she is very fun!
9. How old are you today? 28 ... no comments about the looming new decade, please!
10. Favorite drinks: Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, juice, lemon-berry slushes at Sonic
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? highlights, but not currently
13. Pets? just my kids
14. Favorite food? depends on my mood ... mashed potatoes, chicken and noodles, tollhouse pan cookies, cheese cake, brownies, oatmeal raisin cookies, enchiladas, ... I have lots of favorites
15. What was the last movie you watched? Well, The Great Mouse Detective, this morning, but David and I got through most of A New World last night -- haven't seen the ending yet
17. What do you do to vent anger? I cry, I yell/stomp a bit sometimes, I bottle it all deep down inside, and occassionally use lots of sarcasm
18. What were your favorite toys as a kid? my dolls, roller skates, books, an old tape recorder
19. What is your favorite Fall or Spring? spring ... new life, new start, fresh air, open windows, ... need I go on?!?!
20. Hugs or kisses? hugs: friends, my girls; kisses: my husband :)
21. Cherry or Blueberry? cherry
22. Do you want your friends to send this back? only if they want to
23. Who is most likely to respond? I hate this question
25. Living arrangements? renting a townhome/duplex ... desperately hoping to change that to owning a home soon!!!
27. What is on the floor of your closet? what isn't there?! Actually, there is a clothes basket containing lots of shoes David never wears, and tubs of the girls' clothing that is too small for Erin, and too big for Avery
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending
this to? Well, I don't know who will actually read this that has been my friend the longest, so I am going to say Valerie P, who used to be Valerie L, who has been my friend since kindergarten :)
29. What did you do last night? We went to Phat Thursday, had some good chats, but the kids were getting cranky, so we left at 8ish. We put Erin to bed soon after arriving, watched part of a movie with my husband, pu tAvery down during the movie, which was unsuccessful, so she stayed with me until we decided to go to bed, Erin came in at 2am, went back to bed with her ... Avery was up at 3am, Erin was up at 5, Avery 5:30, and David's alarms started going off at 6am, so it wasn't so restful for me ... I guess that was mostly morning :(
31. If you were stranded on a desert island, how would you go about
getting off? pray ... hard
32. What's your favorite kind of game to play? I LOVE games! board games, card games, word games, ... I like Catch Phrase, Cranium, Pictionary, Scrabble, Pinochle, Solitare, Monopoly, Mad Gab, Tabu, Scene It, ...
34. Say something about the person who sent this to you: Kylie ... you're so fun to laugh with and visit with ... congrats on your job!
Welcome to the new edition of getting to know your friends (and
family). Okay here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be lame
and spoil the fun! Just copy (do not forward) this entire e-mail and
paste into a new e-mail that you can send. Change all the answers so
that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you
know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get
this several times that means you have lots of friends.
1. What is your occupation? mommy, wife, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant
family). Okay here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be lame
and spoil the fun! Just copy (do not forward) this entire e-mail and
paste into a new e-mail that you can send. Change all the answers so
that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you
know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get
this several times that means you have lots of friends.
1. What is your occupation? mommy, wife, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant
2. What color are your socks right now? white with gray toes/heels (yes, boring today)
3. What are you listening to right now? You've Stollen My Heart (that's my guess, anyway, from the repeats in the chorus, its on 88.5)
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a little snack of apple coffee cake, mmm
5. Can you drive a stick shift? If I HAD to, I could get down the road in one, like if I was being chased by a herd of stampeding elephants, or a psycho killer or something.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I always choose green, but I also like deep purple, and also macaroni and cheese (just because it's a fun name!)
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? David, for our "post-lunch phone call date"
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? yes! We were in a Bible study together for a while, and she is very fun!
9. How old are you today? 28 ... no comments about the looming new decade, please!
10. Favorite drinks: Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, juice, lemon-berry slushes at Sonic
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? college basketball, college football
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? highlights, but not currently
13. Pets? just my kids
14. Favorite food? depends on my mood ... mashed potatoes, chicken and noodles, tollhouse pan cookies, cheese cake, brownies, oatmeal raisin cookies, enchiladas, ... I have lots of favorites
15. What was the last movie you watched? Well, The Great Mouse Detective, this morning, but David and I got through most of A New World last night -- haven't seen the ending yet
16. Favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you do to vent anger? I cry, I yell/stomp a bit sometimes, I bottle it all deep down inside, and occassionally use lots of sarcasm
18. What were your favorite toys as a kid? my dolls, roller skates, books, an old tape recorder
19. What is your favorite Fall or Spring? spring ... new life, new start, fresh air, open windows, ... need I go on?!?!
20. Hugs or kisses? hugs: friends, my girls; kisses: my husband :)
21. Cherry or Blueberry? cherry
22. Do you want your friends to send this back? only if they want to
23. Who is most likely to respond? I hate this question
24. Who is least likely to respond? Do I care? Not really :)
25. Living arrangements? renting a townhome/duplex ... desperately hoping to change that to owning a home soon!!!
26. When was the last time you cried? Um, I think about two days ago
27. What is on the floor of your closet? what isn't there?! Actually, there is a clothes basket containing lots of shoes David never wears, and tubs of the girls' clothing that is too small for Erin, and too big for Avery
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending
this to? Well, I don't know who will actually read this that has been my friend the longest, so I am going to say Valerie P, who used to be Valerie L, who has been my friend since kindergarten :)
29. What did you do last night? We went to Phat Thursday, had some good chats, but the kids were getting cranky, so we left at 8ish. We put Erin to bed soon after arriving, watched part of a movie with my husband, pu tAvery down during the movie, which was unsuccessful, so she stayed with me until we decided to go to bed, Erin came in at 2am, went back to bed with her ... Avery was up at 3am, Erin was up at 5, Avery 5:30, and David's alarms started going off at 6am, so it wasn't so restful for me ... I guess that was mostly morning :(
30. What's your favorite smell? rain, fresh cut grass, David when he wears cologne, my kids after a bath, "dryer" in the air, coffee, coconut lime verbena candles/soap
31. If you were stranded on a desert island, how would you go about
getting off? pray ... hard
32. What's your favorite kind of game to play? I LOVE games! board games, card games, word games, ... I like Catch Phrase, Cranium, Pictionary, Scrabble, Pinochle, Solitare, Monopoly, Mad Gab, Tabu, Scene It, ...
33. Carmel, Chocolate, or cinnamon? Chocolate most days, but the others are good, and really good all mixed together!
34. Say something about the person who sent this to you: Kylie ... you're so fun to laugh with and visit with ... congrats on your job!
35. Do you wear earrings? Typically, no, I have "virgin lobes", however, today, I had a smashing set of stick-on earrings attached to my lobes. I also had an amazing hair arrangement and lipstick application, thanks to Erin at Queso Pula Apple.
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