I need to re-share Avery's "magic words", as I mistyped it before ... when using a magic wand to turn the lights on and off, she very dramatically utters the words:
"Avwa Fedagga!"
However, this morning, when I asked her to repeat it, she actually used the correct pronunciation ... I was kind of sad, just like when "Ember Donald" became "Ember Dawn" :) Have a great day!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Not-so-Candid Moments
My sister's wedding photographer was PHENOMENAL and we all really liked her work and just plain liked her as a person as well. On Friday, I read an email from my sister letting me know about a free photo session contest Meredith was having, and I wanted to enter ... criteria: had to be someone you love, had to be a heart in the photo, I had to take the picture myself. I thought to myself, GREAT! Erin had her V-Day party at school, and we need to go through the valentines with her, so we can get some pics then. I told Erin there was a contest, and I wanted to take some pics of her with her Valentines ... well, my idea of her sitting in the middle of them wasn't good enough, and taking some candid pics during her sorting process wasn't such a hot one either, as this is what resulted:

Avery wasn't interested in participating at all, so Ember was our fall-back, and although she didn't win the contest AND had a double ear infection, she did get a smile out of me!
Avery wasn't interested in participating at all, so Ember was our fall-back, and although she didn't win the contest AND had a double ear infection, she did get a smile out of me!
Trying Times
We try so many things at our house ... from new recipies (yes, I do cook sometimes, and sometimes it is something new!), new songs, new hair styles, new lipstick, ... These new things ... sometimes they are a great addition to the recipe box of life, and sometimes not, for instance, the pancake recipe I tried when mom and dad visited which included sour cream was not so much a keeper - I would have to say the "Just like IHOP" was false advertising, unless it was the crepe which I don't eat - however, my new hair style is one I like, and it's EASY, which is a must!
There are also new parenting techniques, new ways to disobey (that's mostly the girls), and new reasons to celebrate. David and I are working on some new parenting tips we are gaining from a program we haven't listened to completely yet. Erin is ever-faithful in her strong-willedness, and the "monkey see, monkey do" effect continues in Avery. We also, are, through prayer, learning to celebrate things like, "Avery didn't have any accidents for 5 days, so when she had two within 6 hours, we can celebrate how great she did for the last 5 days!" and "Erin, I know you are very upset right now, but I am really proud of you for physically stopping yourself from pounding your sister for repeating her question (that you've previously answered 7 times in the last 4 minutes) when you, through clenched teeth, told her very clearly not to ask again. God is revealing Himself to us more and more, and as we battle with the stubbornness of our children, cranky babies who have double ear infections, and the business of life, He is calling us to rejoice in new princess panties, quiet moments of reading, a 6 year old who is responsive to the Spirit, and all of those "trying" moments that make us better. So, I wanted to share some of the funny sayings of the last few days/weeks, wish you a late happy Valentine's Day, and thank you for lifting us to Father during these "times of trying."
"I don't need your input, mother." (so this is an example of how to anger one's mother very quickly, even more quickly if the speaker puts hands on hips and taps their toes in a very impatient manner)
While enjoying the first bite of a Valentines candy "crabby patty" ... "Hey! This tastes like the air at grandma and grandpa Gerstenkorn's house! That's amazing!" (this is a way to make parents laugh for a long time)
"Ava Cadava, turn the light off!" (pointing to the light bulb while someone works the switch is a great magic trick, even if the "abracadabra" is a little off)
"Avery, we never go down the stairs with our pants around our ankles, it's very dangerous!"
"It is never appropriate to throw your little sister off the bed."
"Baby, I'm so sorry Avery threw you on the floor."
"So what I hear you telling me, is that I cannot use this coupon today (Saturday) because it is not Monday, and you can only process coupons on Mondays, even though this coupon says, 'Valid any time through September 2009?'" (I got to use my coupon, and they gave it back for me to use again, after exclaiming in disbelief upon seeing the coupon that it really was real! Got my Dave Ramsey on that day!)
"Mommy needs a moment. Go away until I have one."
Erin and Daddy after a "knock down dragout".
Avery in "polly world, where it doesn't matter how much mess there is, you can just sit on top of it and play away!"
Ember in her fancy hat at the "Spring Picnic" Erin and Avery put together for our family.
There are also new parenting techniques, new ways to disobey (that's mostly the girls), and new reasons to celebrate. David and I are working on some new parenting tips we are gaining from a program we haven't listened to completely yet. Erin is ever-faithful in her strong-willedness, and the "monkey see, monkey do" effect continues in Avery. We also, are, through prayer, learning to celebrate things like, "Avery didn't have any accidents for 5 days, so when she had two within 6 hours, we can celebrate how great she did for the last 5 days!" and "Erin, I know you are very upset right now, but I am really proud of you for physically stopping yourself from pounding your sister for repeating her question (that you've previously answered 7 times in the last 4 minutes) when you, through clenched teeth, told her very clearly not to ask again. God is revealing Himself to us more and more, and as we battle with the stubbornness of our children, cranky babies who have double ear infections, and the business of life, He is calling us to rejoice in new princess panties, quiet moments of reading, a 6 year old who is responsive to the Spirit, and all of those "trying" moments that make us better. So, I wanted to share some of the funny sayings of the last few days/weeks, wish you a late happy Valentine's Day, and thank you for lifting us to Father during these "times of trying."
"I don't need your input, mother." (so this is an example of how to anger one's mother very quickly, even more quickly if the speaker puts hands on hips and taps their toes in a very impatient manner)
While enjoying the first bite of a Valentines candy "crabby patty" ... "Hey! This tastes like the air at grandma and grandpa Gerstenkorn's house! That's amazing!" (this is a way to make parents laugh for a long time)
"Ava Cadava, turn the light off!" (pointing to the light bulb while someone works the switch is a great magic trick, even if the "abracadabra" is a little off)
"Avery, we never go down the stairs with our pants around our ankles, it's very dangerous!"
"It is never appropriate to throw your little sister off the bed."
"Baby, I'm so sorry Avery threw you on the floor."
"So what I hear you telling me, is that I cannot use this coupon today (Saturday) because it is not Monday, and you can only process coupons on Mondays, even though this coupon says, 'Valid any time through September 2009?'" (I got to use my coupon, and they gave it back for me to use again, after exclaiming in disbelief upon seeing the coupon that it really was real! Got my Dave Ramsey on that day!)
"Mommy needs a moment. Go away until I have one."
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fun Phrases
"Daddy, are you eating crunola (granola)?" Avery
"Avery, you don't want to take a nap?" asked Mommy.
"Yes, I don't," Avery replied.
"Ave.. She ruined another one of my greatest masterpieces!" exclaimed Erin to herself.
"Daddy, that tickles my armpickles!" (armpits) Avery
"Dad, are you coordinating that?" (recording with the camcorder) Erin
"Mommy, I am so beau'iful!" Avery
My personal favorite ... "Mommy, let's go listen to Dave Gramsey in my woom!" (It was naptime, and when we went in and turned on the radio and Dave Ramsey's voice came on, she exclaimed with joy ...) "Oh, that's MY Dave Gramsey!" Avery
There are so many more that I need to write down somewhere, but I wanted to share these while they were on the brain, or as in the last post, as it was happening! Happy winter!
"Avery, you don't want to take a nap?" asked Mommy.
"Yes, I don't," Avery replied.
"Ave.. She ruined another one of my greatest masterpieces!" exclaimed Erin to herself.
"Daddy, that tickles my armpickles!" (armpits) Avery
"Dad, are you coordinating that?" (recording with the camcorder) Erin
"Mommy, I am so beau'iful!" Avery
My personal favorite ... "Mommy, let's go listen to Dave Gramsey in my woom!" (It was naptime, and when we went in and turned on the radio and Dave Ramsey's voice came on, she exclaimed with joy ...) "Oh, that's MY Dave Gramsey!" Avery
There are so many more that I need to write down somewhere, but I wanted to share these while they were on the brain, or as in the last post, as it was happening! Happy winter!
Three minutes at the Rahija's
(Lots of yelling and slapping noises coming from upstairs)
Mom: "No hitting!"
Erin: "Owwww! Please quit hitting my nose!"
Erin: "Hey, Avery, want to go downstairs and make Valentines?"
Avery: "Oh yes!"
Erin: "Ok, let's ask mom if we can. "I'll yell it to her. Hey, I'll yell it through my digerido (her new instrument that is as long as Avery)!"
(3 second laps)
Avery: "Aaaaaaa!"
Erin: "Oh, Avery, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Are you ok? I'm really sorry"
David: "I'll bet you anything that Erin turned around with that digerido to her lips to yell for you and didn't remember how long it was, or that Avery was in the room and just clocked her with it."
Erin: "Shhh! Shhhh! Hey, I'll make you laugh to help you feel better!"
(loud spitting/farting noises from the digerido)
Avery: "Aaaaaaa"
Erin: "Hey, Avery, I'll give you a dollar if you fergive me."
(about 1 minute passes with general conversation)
Erin: "Avery, I'm really sorry I hit you in the eye with the end of my digerido."
A few minutes of play pass, Erin is trying to make Avery feel better by coddling her, so she tries to put her down for a play nap, and they end up playing "mom/daughter" I think.
"Oh, be careful baby, you're wasting all your digest-es! Oh, not them, they have fur." (who even wants to guess what's going on up there!?)
(This is a little slice of our day, probably about 3 minutes-worth.)
Mom: "No hitting!"
Erin: "Owwww! Please quit hitting my nose!"
Erin: "Hey, Avery, want to go downstairs and make Valentines?"
Avery: "Oh yes!"
Erin: "Ok, let's ask mom if we can. "I'll yell it to her. Hey, I'll yell it through my digerido (her new instrument that is as long as Avery)!"
(3 second laps)
Avery: "Aaaaaaa!"
Erin: "Oh, Avery, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Are you ok? I'm really sorry"
David: "I'll bet you anything that Erin turned around with that digerido to her lips to yell for you and didn't remember how long it was, or that Avery was in the room and just clocked her with it."
Erin: "Shhh! Shhhh! Hey, I'll make you laugh to help you feel better!"
(loud spitting/farting noises from the digerido)
Avery: "Aaaaaaa"
Erin: "Hey, Avery, I'll give you a dollar if you fergive me."
(about 1 minute passes with general conversation)
Erin: "Avery, I'm really sorry I hit you in the eye with the end of my digerido."
A few minutes of play pass, Erin is trying to make Avery feel better by coddling her, so she tries to put her down for a play nap, and they end up playing "mom/daughter" I think.
"Oh, be careful baby, you're wasting all your digest-es! Oh, not them, they have fur." (who even wants to guess what's going on up there!?)
(This is a little slice of our day, probably about 3 minutes-worth.)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wishes, Treats, and Dreams
So Santa was a little late with Ember's Christmas wish -- maybe if she would have articulated it, we would have known to include them in her wish list, but on Thursday night, her gift arrived ... I suppose the only one she really wanted ... her two )bottom) front teeth! I couldn't believe it - she's been drooly, but not really cranky, just a little clingy. I hope all the rest of the teeth are this easy to acquire!
Another first for Ember this week was her first bowl of rice cereal or "solid food". Most kids I know do not enjoy this first bowl, as they cannot figure out how their tongue is supposed to work WITH the spoon to ingest the sloppy, pasty mess in the bowl. The tongue usually works against the spoon and rice, pushing it out as quickly and with as much drool as possible. Not Ember, NO NO, my fluffy little girl took about two bites to figure out that she could get more food in her belly if she worked with the spoon and slicked that slimy stuff right down -- no spills, no crusty hair, no nothing, just a happy baby who wanted more when we finished! David, after looking at her then at me, asked just one question, "And this surprised you?" Yep, she's our little chunk!
And our last "first" of the week ... Ember, growing the way she does, pretty much reached maximum capacity of her bassinet, which both her sisters, her Aunt Desiree, her mommy, and her great Aunt Connie all used. She bravely joined the big girls in her big crib in the sleeping room, and loves it! She loves to chatter at and sing to the animals on the mobile, and mommy loves that the animals lull her to sleep! So, we can put her to bed when we go to bed and bid her sweet dreams, and we go to our own room, which is our own again! Our room is now child-free in the evenings ... at least until a leg ache, nightmare, or thirst attack hits :)
Exciting week here at Castle De La Rahija! Hope your week was fun as well!
Another first for Ember this week was her first bowl of rice cereal or "solid food". Most kids I know do not enjoy this first bowl, as they cannot figure out how their tongue is supposed to work WITH the spoon to ingest the sloppy, pasty mess in the bowl. The tongue usually works against the spoon and rice, pushing it out as quickly and with as much drool as possible. Not Ember, NO NO, my fluffy little girl took about two bites to figure out that she could get more food in her belly if she worked with the spoon and slicked that slimy stuff right down -- no spills, no crusty hair, no nothing, just a happy baby who wanted more when we finished! David, after looking at her then at me, asked just one question, "And this surprised you?" Yep, she's our little chunk!
And our last "first" of the week ... Ember, growing the way she does, pretty much reached maximum capacity of her bassinet, which both her sisters, her Aunt Desiree, her mommy, and her great Aunt Connie all used. She bravely joined the big girls in her big crib in the sleeping room, and loves it! She loves to chatter at and sing to the animals on the mobile, and mommy loves that the animals lull her to sleep! So, we can put her to bed when we go to bed and bid her sweet dreams, and we go to our own room, which is our own again! Our room is now child-free in the evenings ... at least until a leg ache, nightmare, or thirst attack hits :)
Exciting week here at Castle De La Rahija! Hope your week was fun as well!
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