Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Zoo pics

So I realized after looking at our pictures from the zoo trip, that we took pictures of mainly animals (which would stand to reason, as we were at the zoo), but have very few of us in the pics with the animals. There are a few, so I'll post them here. Erin, I think we decided, would have been pleased to mainly see the "land of the zebras" (which we didn't get to until late in the afternoon when she was really worn out from the walking) and the roly polies meandering around. She did enjoy the sheep too, although was disappointed that we didn't let her feed them. Maybe it will be different next year :)

Looking at the Sumatran Tigers
Spying on sunbathing kangaroos
Nervous of touching the sheep.
Baboon licking cement rock- disturbing.
At last, the Land of the ZEBRAS!

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