Avery is growing in size and ability lately ... she can sit up by herself from an almost flat position (just needs a tad of an incline to sit right up -- abs of steel!), she's trying to talk, and her smiles are more precious than ever.
Erin is growing too, and is often mistaken for a 5 or 6 year old. Her vocab is also growing. The latest "big" word is perservere. The other day she came up to me all excited and said, "Mom, I just finished cleaning up my closet. It was hard and I wanted to quit, but I kept working at it and I perservered! It's pretty clean now!" Yep, that's our Erin!
We've had some really neat relationship growing time within our "congregation" lately. It excites me to see that growth happening! We have also started working with the homeless/transient community in Lawrence, which has been a blessing to me. I feel like, in general, God is asking/putting opportunities in front of me that are way beyond my comfort zone/ability/skill set and giving me blind courage and ability in those situations that are blowing me away ... for example, building relationships with several of the transient/homeless individuals (I look forward to going under the bridge to check for Mark or Kevin, and I strain to hear Kimberly's morracas when we take sandwiches and coffee out on Saturday nights ... walking up to the door of near strangers to invite them to dinner at the ministry center ... hanging out with some people who are not who I would typically seek as friends ...). In words, it doesn't seem like much, but in real life, it has been a stretch, but one that I don't see until after it has happened, if that makes any sense. Maybe I am just learning to follow the leading of His Spirit without so much question, and letting Him be my strength in my weakness.
Well, that's about it. Avery spit up on me after eating a wee bit too much and I would really like to take a shower. This afternoon, I think we will go over to Erin's friend James' house, so the kids can play and the mommies can visit for a while. Enjoy this cold, blustery day!
1 comment:
I've been waiting for a post. It made me smile. See you soon.
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