Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Royal "To Do" at Castle Rahija

- ARP (Associated Royal Press)

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! (I guess it should be "Read Ye! Read Ye!") Princess Erin has celebrated the fifth anniversary of her birth. The Royal To Do, held at Castle Rahija, in the kingdom of Lawrence was a huge success, with all invited guests attending, and even a few surprise guests! Unfortunately, the royal photograph machine was not functioning, due to a lemonade situation a week prior to the celebration. Guests, including Evil Aidan, Lady Chloe: Tamer of the Dragons, Lady Jordan, William the Terrible (fire-breathing dragon), and Sir Avery: Knight of the Square Table arrived in their finery, as was Queen Sarah, who wore her finest queen attire from the wedding celebration of Their Highness John and Michelle of Castle Riggs. Surprise guests were Sir Matt and Lady Dena of Castle Broderick, who "rode in" for a quick moment.

Guests enjoyed exploring our castle grounds, and were brave enough to enter the cave of the dreadful dragon, William the Terrible, who chased them back to the safety of the castle walls. The Evil Aidan attacked at some point during the evening, and the group fended off his evil army with their marshmallow catapults. The guests also had the task of returning the tails to the dragon (dragons, much like some lizards, periodically lose their tails). William the Terrible (of course being a dragon) did very well in placing his tail in the correct place.

Guests enjoyed a strawberry tiara cake (bunt cake, frosted yellow with jolly rancher jewels, and 5 yellow candles for the "pointy parts"), fruit punch/pineapple, apple, orange juice in jeweled tumblers with their names insribed on the side. They also feasted on crackers, pretzels, and a castle of cheese, constructed by none other than King David.

Guests were all different ages and sizes, but a good time was had by all. Sir Avery, who had traveled from Castle Baranet in the Kingdom of Eudora, stayed later to have some special play time with Princess Erin. What a blessing to have good friends, near and far!

(Evil Aidan's mom snapped a few pics, so maybe we can find some pictoral evidance of these goings-on)

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