Friday, August 01, 2008


I haven't updated our blog for a while, because ... there aren't many things to update. I am now 39 weeks into this pregnancy, and still very pregnant! My due date is a week from today, and I am really hoping to deliver by then. The next few days are supposed to be "scorchers" and I am not looking forward to the heat with this bump on my front! However, if God is not finished with this little princess, I want to give him all the time He needs to complete her construction -- we don't want "doughy in the middle", which is great for cakes and cookies, not so great for "buns" coming out of the oven! I am dilated to a whopping 1 cm and am barely 20% effaced, but the encouraging news is that her head is down, in the correct place, and Dr. Peck, my most amazing OB, is on call this weekend, and will be able to deliver her if she suddenly gets a wild hair and wants to come on out and meet us. It looks like Natalie's birthday remains her own, at this point, and it's a few days until the next Rahija August birthday, so she could have her own day at this point. We also scheduled a tentative date to induce, being August 13th/14th. I really hope it doesn't happen this way, because Erin starts kindergarten on the 14th, and I would really like to take her to school on her first day. If that doesn't happen, it will be fine, she is just really struggling with the idea of the baby and school, and I want to make her transition as easy as possible. God is in control, and I want to leave Him there!

Other news ... Erin and I went school shopping this week, which was fun for about 10 minutes :)

Avery's terrible twos have arrived along with some hitting, screeching, and yelling traits that are so very foreign to us in her. She also shakes her fist in the air like an angry old man at times, which is sometimes very funny.

It's really hot here.

Erin found two more monarch caterpillars yesterday so they are in the butterfly jar atop the bookshelf, munching away on green leaves. We think it might be just the right timing for her to take them to school if the teacher will want them in there, to share.

Daddy and Mommy enjoyed a long weekend without the girls, as Uncle John, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Krista, and Grandpa and Grandma graciously invited Erin and Avery to attend the family reunion in Oklahoma. Aunt Michelle picked them up on Thursday afternoon, and they returned on Monday evening. It appears they all survived. Daddy and Mommy enjoyed two dates, and some much-needed conversation time. We had a ball, and are so thankful to all of them for giving us the gift of time alone together! THANK YOU!

I think that's about it. We haven't done anything too exciting lately, and feel like we're just sitting around waiting! Baby has met all scheduling requirements by family and friends, and now we're just waiting on her! Have a great weekend, and try to stay as "un-hot" as possible!

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