I have discovered that I think life would be easier if I had more arms. Two would be good, three would be fantastic, but one would suffice ... as a mom of three kids, wouldn't it make sense that a new one would sprout and grow through the pregnancy along with the baby? This is something that I would like to explore with Father more at a later time, probably never, because I know He promised me that He would never throw anything my way that I couldn't handle with His help, but still, it's a nice thought.
On a related note, there are several things I have discovered that I can do with only one hand that have been surprising to me ...
* Typing ... emails, Mary Kay orders, facebook comments, and even chatting
* Folding laundry ... this one is tricky, and perhaps should be categorized as two hands, one arm (I can sit on the couch with my clean laundry and fold it, with the full use of one arm, while nursing Ember, and using the hand of the occupied arm)
* Cooking (many, not all things)
* Change Avery's diaper - this was impressive to me!
* Washing my Face
* Reading Bedtime Stories
* Eating - this sometimes is not the tidiest type of eating, but it gets food in my belly while Ember is putting food in hers!
* Loading the Washing Machine/Dryer
Along this same journey, came the discovery of activities that perhaps should not be performed one-handed ...
* Buckling carseat seat belts
* Brushing Erin's hair
* Grocery Shopping (children under age 4 and babies need to be contained and locked down during any shopping excursion, preventing losing them and pushing a full shopping cart while holding a screaming baby)
* Taking garlic bread out of the oven (especially not when holding a screaming baby whose blanket is flopping around and falls into the oven - thankfully the broiler, not the bottom element was on, making the experience very hot, but not flaming!)
I am sure I will add to this list as this adventure continues. I know that God did provide all necessary equipment needed to pursue this endeavor, it would just help to have some extra hands to pat backs, hold school papers, cut out paper dolls, and administer love to three kiddos at once! Have a great day!