* milk dribbling out of the child's mouth upon finishing eating
* lethargic state
* passed out/sleeping baby
* red cheeks that are very soft and squishy, making them extremely kissable
* long, sweet sighs followed by soft baby gurgles
* and last, but not least, the "top off spit up", which entails a burp accompanied by varying amounts of white, chunky nastiness, sometimes loudly projectile, other times sneaky oozing (all of it: stinky!)
Below are some photos of various stages of "milk drunk" exhibited by Ember. Fun times.
lethargic state
red cheeks
"top off spit up"
haha, we call this "food coma" in our house :) She's so cute!
Yes, I remember Erin's "drunken" states... very entertaining. The droopy, happy eyes and satisfied smile were my favorites!
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