Monday, February 21, 2005

I have returned

Hello all. I return to the blog community with sad news. David and I were hoping this entry would be joyful, but it is not in the capacity we were hoping. We have known for about a month now that I was pregnant, but found out at my first doctor visit that there was no heartbeat, and our baby was no longer living. I started miscarrying on Saturday evening, and am still awaiting the end of this process. I may have to have the D&C tomorrow to finish things.

We are of course, heartbroken, but have been served, once again, by our Heavenly Father in ways we didn't know were possible. The incredible peace that has settled over our family is amazing, ... truly something that passes understanding. The power of prayer has been demonstrated over and over to us, as we have slept soundly and had the strength to move forward each day. We have had emails, phone calls, and visits with so many folks who have shared their love, compassion, and stories of their own loss. The most exciting thing to me is being a part of the Body of Christ, as it functions the way it was "built" to function. We continue to praise our Creator, whose ways are above our ways and thoughts above our thoughts and timing is literally, everything. I know that our baby is laughing and cuddling and sleeping in the arms of Jesus tonight and every night -- what more could I ask as a mommy, that Perfect Love cradle my child? It is hard, and I know I will have good days and bad, but I am excited to see (or not see) the glory that will come to Father because of our little one.

Erin is holding out okay -- we haven't really made a big deal about a new baby to her yet, just with little comments along the way about sharing some of her things with a new baby. In her mind though, the new baby is Aunt Chelle and Uncle John's baby, who will be arriving in early August (YEAH!!!), and we will just keep it that way. We've been blessed with family being close by to keep her overnight and help as we try to get to all the appointments and as I try to begin the physical healing. She is aware that I am "sick" and has been trying her best to help me feel better by administering lots of hugs and kisses, and occasionally washing my legs and feet with a damp washcloth. She is such a blessing and joy -- even if she is loud and jumpy lots of the time! We treasure her, even more now, as we pull together as a family. What a gift.

Okay, as usual, I've rambled on for much too long. Thank you for your prayers -- please keep them coming, as the days and weeks ahead will still be difficult. May God's peace envelope you today as we have experienced it in this very moment.

In Him, Sarah

Monday, February 07, 2005

Erin's Post

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"Mommy says howie havah."

Who knows exactly what that means, but, ... :)

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Not much going on here

Hello all! Just a quick post to say hi. Haven't really had that much exciting news around her since last week :) Erin's done some more wall art ... some out of creativity and some out of anger. However, it's spreading throughout the house, and no longer sticking to her bedroom. Keeping the Magic Erasers handy! She's also been quite the nose-picker lately. Don't exactly know why, but she's definitely an expert. And also ... she does eat her findings. I think sometimes she even just sticks her finger in her nose to taste it. How gross!!! I'm sure this is part of some psychological phase she has to go through, but still ... gross.

David was arguing again with the HP support people tonight, this time, via phone. I don't know yet how that fared. I'm guessing he'll post (vent) about it on his blog. He's not so excited about their customer support these days!

I've seen some interesting blogs over the last few days. It's crazy how much time one can spend "trolling" or whatever it's called! I spent like two hours on two separate occasions this week bouncing from blog to blog. However, I found some people to connect with about UC, so that was a blessing!

Okay, see, I told you I didn't have much going on here! Have a great Friday! Love to you all!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Taco Tuesday!

Hello All! Today is Phat Tuesday for University Church, and we are having TACOS! We meet at the Heston's house around 6ish and eat around 6:30. No exact thoughts on the dessert of the evening yet, but I'm thinking Tollhouse Pan cookies and chocolate cake?? Suggestions welcome! Hope to see you all there! Post or email me for directions! Have a great day!