Thursday, February 03, 2005

Not much going on here

Hello all! Just a quick post to say hi. Haven't really had that much exciting news around her since last week :) Erin's done some more wall art ... some out of creativity and some out of anger. However, it's spreading throughout the house, and no longer sticking to her bedroom. Keeping the Magic Erasers handy! She's also been quite the nose-picker lately. Don't exactly know why, but she's definitely an expert. And also ... she does eat her findings. I think sometimes she even just sticks her finger in her nose to taste it. How gross!!! I'm sure this is part of some psychological phase she has to go through, but still ... gross.

David was arguing again with the HP support people tonight, this time, via phone. I don't know yet how that fared. I'm guessing he'll post (vent) about it on his blog. He's not so excited about their customer support these days!

I've seen some interesting blogs over the last few days. It's crazy how much time one can spend "trolling" or whatever it's called! I spent like two hours on two separate occasions this week bouncing from blog to blog. However, I found some people to connect with about UC, so that was a blessing!

Okay, see, I told you I didn't have much going on here! Have a great Friday! Love to you all!

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