Sunday, March 13, 2005

misc weekend things

I was so disappointed to look at my blog today and find that the "peed-on foot" entry was the most recent ... I posted, or at least tried to post an entry on Friday night recapping my surprise and observations of a very artistically interpretive performance during the "Smuckers Stars on Ice" even airing on A&E that night. I was sort of disturbed by it, but not one to be interpretive about artistic things, I realize my opinions and displeasure of the performance were probably inaccurate and uninformed. If anyone saw the man drop out of the ceiling in a "stork" sling, and understands the significance of this, please let me know. I just thought it was plain strange, but, to each their own! So ... that's the recap on the post that never posted! Sorry, Krista, my first draft was much more cunning!

The weekend was great! We helped some friends move on Saturday morning, I had a Mary Kay skin care class featuring the new Timewise Microdermabraision in the afternoon which went smashingly well, and we went to Jade Mongolian barbecue in Lawrence for dinner, which was a very good time! Today, we went to church at our new "morning" church, Jacob's Well, in Westport, MO. Wonderful music, amazing teaching, and great discussion -- for the sermon! -- made the service a very full worship experience. Erin met lots of new friends in "her special class" (2-2 1/2 year olds), and was hoping to go back tonight. After lunch at Chili's, a stop at US Toy in Leawood, and the jaunt back to Eudora, David and I put Erin down for a much-needed nap, and planned the music for tonight's service for University Church. Our service went well, and although we are only having 2-4 people that aren't "staff-type" people, we seem to be "gel"ing as a group. God is definitely pulling some things together here, and the evil one is trying just as hard to pull them apart, so please keep us in prayer!

Now, Erin's in bed asleep, I'm almost asleep at my computer, and David's downstairs on his laptop, probably making lists of "optional" parts he wants for his Jeep (dreaming for now!). I'm hoping this week will be steadily busy instead of busy in spurts. Hope you had a fabulous weekend and are off to a great new week!

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