Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My foot was peed on today

Well, it's time for the late night posting ... and another episode of Erin Tales. What a day today has been! Thankfully, my daughter has collapsed in exhausted slumber after a hard day's work! We started off well, at 9:15, and things seemed to go downhill from there. She made a mess everywhere she turned, from grinding laundry lint into the hall carpet in the laundry area and my freshly cleaned pantyhose to pouring anti-itch liquid (Caladryl Clear type stuff) all over herself and a pile of sorted dirty laundry (the grayish load). She also managed to fall off my bed twice, spill a basket of clean laundry, bring half of her toys into my bedroom, and get more bread crumbs from her turkey and cheese sandwich on the table/floor than in her mouth. At Phat Tuesday, she managed to spill her milk on the carpet and dump an entire tin of porcelain dominoes into Habit's water bowl. The loud crash and splash zone was impressive from the latter! What a day!

The household topper for the day, however occurred during naptime (which she avoided with extreme craftiness today). We had just settled down, and low and behold, the potty fairy struck. So, we trudged to the bathroom. I helped Erin pull down her pants, still leaving the pull-up in place. Somehow, Erin forgot this, and started going potty. I did not realize this, and pulled down the pull-up to set her on the toilet. Wasn't I surprised by the warm shower on my clean bare foot?! I pulled the pseudo-panty back up quickly (they are called pull-ups for a reason, I suppose!), and asked her what the puddle was on and around my foot. Her response was, "Mommy, that looks like a big mess on your foot!" I can laugh now, but wasn't exactly pleased at the time. I pulled the pull-up down again, and set her on the toilet to keep her feet out of the "big mess", and was surprised to hear her peeing again (thankfully, this time in the toilet!). So, even though I irritated, I was impressed that she stopped in the middle and continued when she was in the right position! "Mommy wow, I'm a ...." Our little girl is growing up!

I think that's all for today. I'm beat! Until we meet again ...

1 comment:

Summer said...

Very funny...from one mom to another, I completely understand and empathize and see the delayed humor in it all.