Well, this week has been one of extreme excitement at the Rahija house. We had a pretty uneventful Monday and Tuesday, as the kids were mainly just trying to kill each other with words, toys, and screams/growls (Avery's new secret weapon). Wednesday rolled around to a mostly good day, just ending badly as Erin threw perhaps the worst tantrum of her life, with a screaming fit lasting for 24 minutes. The main phrase she kept shouting/sobbing/screaming was "But I HATE sandwiches for supper, I want FROZEN PIZZA!" Yes, it was a fun time, especially as I was in the throes of a migraine. However, as suddenly as it began, it ended, and she ate her chicken sandwich quite nicely, and bedtime was relatively smooth. I went to bed around 10, with my headache, and was getting Ember ready to sleep for the night, so changed her diaper. It was full of poop, so I was changing her, and while I was trying not to gag (smells really get me during a migraine), she peed, soaking her jammies, her blanket, my sheets, and my pajama pants. We quickly stripped her and the bed, and redressed both as fast as we could, putting us back to being ready for bed at about 10:30. I fell asleep, and we all (except David who left for his remodeling job) slept until about 9:15. I woke feeling very refreshed (a first in a long time for me!), and with a clear goal of what I wanted to get done that day, including dishes, sweeping, laundry, and unloading two boxes of "stuff" that has been collected from the floors of our cars and just sitting in the dining room for way too long. I also had a salad to make for Phat Thursday, which was time sensitive, as "let it sit for 2 hours" and "chill until set" were involved. The morning went by fairly quickly with baths for all of us and laundry, but we got Erin to school on time and when we returned, Avery went down for her nap (very easily, I might add!), and I returned to the basement to continue the laundry parade and work on a flier for a Mary Kay sale I'm having. I noticed it was nearing time to load everyone up to pick Erin up from school and headed upstairs. As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard a tapping sound, and headed into the living room to investigate. I thought it was someone tapping or throwing rocks at our window at first, but then recognized the sound to be that of dripping. To my horror, a huge puddle of water was on the floor and more was pouring from the ceiling. I ran upstairs to my room to locate the source of the mess, and saw a fleeing Avery bolt from my room and dive onto her bed. I turned the corner and first saw a splash of color on my bed (on the fresh clean flannel sheets). A quick investigation revealed the color to be the contents of my makeup bag, eye shadows, blushes, bronzing powder, and a powder foundation scraped out by tiny fingernails and ground into the sheets. A wider scope of the room divulged the source of the water, which turned out to be the humidifier, disassembled by the same tiny hands. The water had run to the edge of the carpet and down into the wall/ceiling, where it found the path of least resistance and dripped through a horribly patched hole in the ceiling of the living room. I also dripped between the storm window and regular window, creating a lovely splash pattern. Needless to say, someone was in trouble, and her name was Avery Layne. However, I tried to find the "silver lining", and as she is learning to potty in the toilet and very fascinated with all things "potty", it could have been worse, ... she could have peed on my bed, she could have put my makeup brushes in the toilet, she could have shoved the makeup into Ember's mouth (like I found her doing with the sugar a few weeks ago). There are some things to be thankful for in these moments! Also needless to say, my big plan of things to do for the day was altered greatly. I did two more loads of laundry than I intended, and had fresh sheets two nights in a row, though, and my salad did get done for Phat Thursday. David had clean socks and underwear for work this morning, as well, so it wasn't a loss, just different than I had hoped.
This morning, I woke early with Avery, and we had breakfast before anyone else was out of bed. Then, she was tired, so we went back upstairs to rest a bit more. I had a headache again, and was glad for a chance to lay down as well, and Ember was ready to eat as well. David left for work, Erin got up, and I still had the headache, so I asked her if she would like to get some breakfast by herself (she loves doing this, and feels very grown up when she's allowed to do it). She was thrilled, and Avery was hungry again, so I told them to go ahead and have cereal together. Well, on the way down to the kitchen, that idea flew out the window, and they decided toast sounded good. Now, on a good day, this would probably be fine, under adult supervision, but as I was trying to get rid of a headache, there were no adults in the kitchen. Also, because I didn't clean the kitchen yesterday, the dishes were piled pretty high from the last few days, and the toaster region of the counter was really "overgrown" with dishes. Erin tried her best to scoot things over, and started toasting. The only warning I have of this is Erin knocking on my door, and calmly saying, "Mom, I need to get the toast out of the toaster, but I can't see from the smoke in there." I bolted up from the bed and pushed her out of the way, the smoke started stinging my eyes on the way down the stairs. I hollered up for the girls to get into the playroom and shut the door, and proceeded to the kitchen, where the smoke was indeed so thick I could not see the counter. I threw open the window, turned on the exhaust fan on the oven hood, and unplugged the toaster. I gingerly removed the black squares from the slots and thanked God for protecting us, as they were literally crackling and I imagine may have burst into flame with much more time. Our house smells like "burnt". The haze has cleared, and we aren't breathing through our shirts, but I'm sure our furniture and some clothing will smell like "burnt" for a long time. I hope to borrow mom and dad's clean air machine to remove some of the smell this weekend. The silver lining here: Erin could learn a valuable, memorable lesson without our house burning to the ground! Oh, the joys of my family! How is it that after the day is done, I smell "burnt", and have a pile of clean laundry that needs to be rewashed, and I feel like screaming and pulling out my hair, that I can smile and recount these stories with a smile playing around my lips?? Grace. Plain and simple.
Well, the dryer just beeped, Ember just woke up, and I think I want to peek at Avery to make sure she is really sleeping today. It's been fun sharing with you today! Thanks for listening!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King ..."
This morning has been a precious morning in the Rahija household, well, technically, I guess it was in the afternoon, but we're just getting ready for lunch, so around here, it was "morning". David just came home from his job interview and was sharing with me. Erin, who was sick yesterday, came downstairs after eating some breakfast, and asked us if we were going to church today. Being that it's Friday, I was confused as to why she asked, but then I figured it was because she was home from school yesterday, it seemed like Saturday. Well, David actually asked her if she would have wanted to go to church, and she sited that she enjoyed playing with friends and playing on the swingset and trampoline. However, in the next few moments, we were all suddenly swept up into "playing church". Daddy had his guitar out and was playing, so he was volunteered to lead the music, Erin was the pastor, and she used her Rhyming Bible to help her tell the stories of Jonah, Baby Jesus, and the Feeding of the 5000. As we worshiped together as a family, I was brought to tears as we heard about second chances, the ultimate gift, and God's provision. I wept again, as we sang "His Love Endures Forever", "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands", and "Jesus Loves Me".
Circumstances over the past month have been very "uncertain" in the eyes of the world ... David was laid off, he's had one interview, the unemployment interview was not until this past week, ... However, we have seen God's provision for us in so many ways ... a gift card to a grocery store from a drawing at a fall festival, David having two friends who paid him to help them for a few days in their businesses, our neighbor bringing a discontinued line of frozen pizzas to our door one evening, gas prices going down, our food budget lasting longer than usual, diapers showing up on our doorstep, Christmas gifts for $1 at a garage sale, ... it's just amazing, as we continue to see His hand in EVERYthing that happens. We are so thankful and as we sang praise in our basement, I felt Him in the room with us, holding us in His arms, and I was reminded yet again, how He revels in being our Big God in the midst of the little things. Thank you, Father, for being our Father, Peace, Redeemer, and Friend in the middle of chaos. It is our joy and honor to trust You.
Circumstances over the past month have been very "uncertain" in the eyes of the world ... David was laid off, he's had one interview, the unemployment interview was not until this past week, ... However, we have seen God's provision for us in so many ways ... a gift card to a grocery store from a drawing at a fall festival, David having two friends who paid him to help them for a few days in their businesses, our neighbor bringing a discontinued line of frozen pizzas to our door one evening, gas prices going down, our food budget lasting longer than usual, diapers showing up on our doorstep, Christmas gifts for $1 at a garage sale, ... it's just amazing, as we continue to see His hand in EVERYthing that happens. We are so thankful and as we sang praise in our basement, I felt Him in the room with us, holding us in His arms, and I was reminded yet again, how He revels in being our Big God in the midst of the little things. Thank you, Father, for being our Father, Peace, Redeemer, and Friend in the middle of chaos. It is our joy and honor to trust You.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Face of Ember
Well, she has the same face, it's just older and rounder and full of more personality than before! A trip to Grandma Gerstenkorn's office showed us that at 9 weeks, Ember Dawn weighs a whopping 13 lb 4 oz, and is 23 3/4 inches long. That puts her in the 90th percentile for height and 85th for weight, and 55th percentile in height per weight. What a change from her big sisters! She is getting to be quite the ham these days, and gives us lots of smiles, coos, and even a few giggles here and there. We are enjoying these days (well, Avery is struggling some with the new addition to our household, but does enjoy her as well). Here are some new pictures I took this evening (finally got the batteries charged and back into the camera!). Enjoy!

holding her head up so nicely during "tummy time"

glad to get off her belly and end "tummy time"

"I love you, Mommy!"

"Yes, I know, I'm adorable, beautiful, enchanting, ... take your pick!"
holding her head up so nicely during "tummy time"
glad to get off her belly and end "tummy time"
"I love you, Mommy!"
"Yes, I know, I'm adorable, beautiful, enchanting, ... take your pick!"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Milk Drunk
We've noticed something consistent with each of our children and their eating habits ... Ember is no exception. It seems, that when a young child nurses, they eat and eat until they are full, or cannot ingest any more milk into their tiny bellies. This often results in a stage we like to call "milk drunk". Symptoms of "milk drunk" can be:
* milk dribbling out of the child's mouth upon finishing eating
* lethargic state
* passed out/sleeping baby
* red cheeks that are very soft and squishy, making them extremely kissable
* long, sweet sighs followed by soft baby gurgles
* and last, but not least, the "top off spit up", which entails a burp accompanied by varying amounts of white, chunky nastiness, sometimes loudly projectile, other times sneaky oozing (all of it: stinky!)
Below are some photos of various stages of "milk drunk" exhibited by Ember. Fun times.
lethargic state

red cheeks

"top off spit up"

* milk dribbling out of the child's mouth upon finishing eating
* lethargic state
* passed out/sleeping baby
* red cheeks that are very soft and squishy, making them extremely kissable
* long, sweet sighs followed by soft baby gurgles
* and last, but not least, the "top off spit up", which entails a burp accompanied by varying amounts of white, chunky nastiness, sometimes loudly projectile, other times sneaky oozing (all of it: stinky!)
Below are some photos of various stages of "milk drunk" exhibited by Ember. Fun times.
lethargic state
red cheeks
"top off spit up"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Some new pics
Here's a little glimpse into our life over the past month ...

Erin turned 6! We had a Saturday Sundae party, with a chocolate cake that looked like an ice cream cone (thanks Grandma G!), freeze tag, balloon sundae relay races, and of course, ice cream sundaes built by the kiddos. What fun!

Ember went through a growth spurt (putting her at 10lb 10oz at her appointment on Monday!) where she didn't like to sleep much, but eat frequently, so I snapped some pics of her on my bed to remind myself that she did do some sleeping, not just eat!

Family bonding - Avery loves snuggling her baby sister.

She also loves snuggling her daddy (who merely "endures" her snuggles, as you can tell!)!
Some candid pics of Ember ... she is starting to smile, but I haven't caught any good pics of it yet! She's also starting to coo and "talk" to us, which we love! Dr. Kelly says she is great, and "very alert for her age". She's in the 78th percentile for weight and 79th for height, which is just opposite from her two big sisters! You'll notice the round cheeks and double chin emerging :) The cheeks just beg to be kissed! Enjoy and have a great day!

(my favorite of this set ... "Ooo, was that me?!?!")
Erin turned 6! We had a Saturday Sundae party, with a chocolate cake that looked like an ice cream cone (thanks Grandma G!), freeze tag, balloon sundae relay races, and of course, ice cream sundaes built by the kiddos. What fun!
Ember went through a growth spurt (putting her at 10lb 10oz at her appointment on Monday!) where she didn't like to sleep much, but eat frequently, so I snapped some pics of her on my bed to remind myself that she did do some sleeping, not just eat!
Family bonding - Avery loves snuggling her baby sister.
She also loves snuggling her daddy (who merely "endures" her snuggles, as you can tell!)!
Some candid pics of Ember ... she is starting to smile, but I haven't caught any good pics of it yet! She's also starting to coo and "talk" to us, which we love! Dr. Kelly says she is great, and "very alert for her age". She's in the 78th percentile for weight and 79th for height, which is just opposite from her two big sisters! You'll notice the round cheeks and double chin emerging :) The cheeks just beg to be kissed! Enjoy and have a great day!
(my favorite of this set ... "Ooo, was that me?!?!")
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Third Arm
I have discovered that I think life would be easier if I had more arms. Two would be good, three would be fantastic, but one would suffice ... as a mom of three kids, wouldn't it make sense that a new one would sprout and grow through the pregnancy along with the baby? This is something that I would like to explore with Father more at a later time, probably never, because I know He promised me that He would never throw anything my way that I couldn't handle with His help, but still, it's a nice thought.
On a related note, there are several things I have discovered that I can do with only one hand that have been surprising to me ...
* Typing ... emails, Mary Kay orders, facebook comments, and even chatting
* Folding laundry ... this one is tricky, and perhaps should be categorized as two hands, one arm (I can sit on the couch with my clean laundry and fold it, with the full use of one arm, while nursing Ember, and using the hand of the occupied arm)
* Cooking (many, not all things)
* Change Avery's diaper - this was impressive to me!
* Washing my Face
* Reading Bedtime Stories
* Eating - this sometimes is not the tidiest type of eating, but it gets food in my belly while Ember is putting food in hers!
* Loading the Washing Machine/Dryer
Along this same journey, came the discovery of activities that perhaps should not be performed one-handed ...
* Buckling carseat seat belts
* Brushing Erin's hair
* Grocery Shopping (children under age 4 and babies need to be contained and locked down during any shopping excursion, preventing losing them and pushing a full shopping cart while holding a screaming baby)
* Taking garlic bread out of the oven (especially not when holding a screaming baby whose blanket is flopping around and falls into the oven - thankfully the broiler, not the bottom element was on, making the experience very hot, but not flaming!)
I am sure I will add to this list as this adventure continues. I know that God did provide all necessary equipment needed to pursue this endeavor, it would just help to have some extra hands to pat backs, hold school papers, cut out paper dolls, and administer love to three kiddos at once! Have a great day!
On a related note, there are several things I have discovered that I can do with only one hand that have been surprising to me ...
* Typing ... emails, Mary Kay orders, facebook comments, and even chatting
* Folding laundry ... this one is tricky, and perhaps should be categorized as two hands, one arm (I can sit on the couch with my clean laundry and fold it, with the full use of one arm, while nursing Ember, and using the hand of the occupied arm)
* Cooking (many, not all things)
* Change Avery's diaper - this was impressive to me!
* Washing my Face
* Reading Bedtime Stories
* Eating - this sometimes is not the tidiest type of eating, but it gets food in my belly while Ember is putting food in hers!
* Loading the Washing Machine/Dryer
Along this same journey, came the discovery of activities that perhaps should not be performed one-handed ...
* Buckling carseat seat belts
* Brushing Erin's hair
* Grocery Shopping (children under age 4 and babies need to be contained and locked down during any shopping excursion, preventing losing them and pushing a full shopping cart while holding a screaming baby)
* Taking garlic bread out of the oven (especially not when holding a screaming baby whose blanket is flopping around and falls into the oven - thankfully the broiler, not the bottom element was on, making the experience very hot, but not flaming!)
I am sure I will add to this list as this adventure continues. I know that God did provide all necessary equipment needed to pursue this endeavor, it would just help to have some extra hands to pat backs, hold school papers, cut out paper dolls, and administer love to three kiddos at once! Have a great day!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Sweet Sibling Moments
At our house we are learning how to love each other in new ways, as an addition to our family changes the dynamics. There have been many tense moments and many tender moments. I like to forget about the tense ones, but wanted ti share some of the sweet ones ...
Ember gave her first (real, not gas-related) smile to Erin yesterday morning as Erin crooned words of love to her, telling her that she was her biggest sister and that she was so cute and that she loved her. It was truly precious.
Avery has trouble remembering Ember's full name, so she made up her own name, and she daintily squeals, "Hi Ember Donald! Did you wake up? Did you have a good nap? Good!" frequently throughout the day, usually when Ember is asleep or eating, but, we're working on that!
This morning, the big girls were coloring (I left them in perfect condition to splash through the shower and returned to find Avery with half of her face colored purple, her legs sporting a fantastic pattern in magenta and the floor boasting a new design in both of the aforementioned colors). They had a little spat after Avery jammed two markers into the middle of CDs, but I knew they were "fine" when I heard Avery say, "Hey Erin, want to be best friends?!" and Erin reply, "Sure, Avery, of course you are one of my best friends!". Life feels good on days like today!
Ember gave her first (real, not gas-related) smile to Erin yesterday morning as Erin crooned words of love to her, telling her that she was her biggest sister and that she was so cute and that she loved her. It was truly precious.
Avery has trouble remembering Ember's full name, so she made up her own name, and she daintily squeals, "Hi Ember Donald! Did you wake up? Did you have a good nap? Good!" frequently throughout the day, usually when Ember is asleep or eating, but, we're working on that!
This morning, the big girls were coloring (I left them in perfect condition to splash through the shower and returned to find Avery with half of her face colored purple, her legs sporting a fantastic pattern in magenta and the floor boasting a new design in both of the aforementioned colors). They had a little spat after Avery jammed two markers into the middle of CDs, but I knew they were "fine" when I heard Avery say, "Hey Erin, want to be best friends?!" and Erin reply, "Sure, Avery, of course you are one of my best friends!". Life feels good on days like today!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Da da da daaaaa .... she's here!
For those who haven't heard, Ember Dawn Rahija arrived two weeks ago at 8:11AM, just in time for mommy to have breakfast (weren't sure which family this "arriving in time to eat" trait comes from, as it could be either one!). She weighed 7lb 12.5oz and was 20.5" long.

Big sisters, Erin and Avery, are adjusting fairly well to our new addition, even with the start of kindergarten and Erin's impending 6th birthday.

Daddy is adjusting to being the lone boy in a house of 4 girls! The smallest one seems to have him wrapped around her finger, and his voice and "bouncing"/snuggling works like Benedryl on her!

This girl sleeps so well. She slept through the night at 4 days old, and we've only had a few nights where she's woken more than once - mostly due to burps that didn't make it out the top and the air had to make its way out the other end. She eats very well too, and at her two week appointment she was a whopping 8lb 13+oz - such a different story than her big sisters! If only she were as skilled at burping!

Mommy is adjusting to living with three daughters, and getting them ready to go places. Some of our adventures have included: Orange poop stains on the bottoms of Ember's feet when we've gone to school. After Avery spent an afternoon playing with Mr. Potato Head, I looked away while Ember was sleeping on my lap, and looked back quickly with Ember's screams to see Avery holding her sister's ears at perpendicular angle to her head, and gladly exclaiming "Two ears!" Avery also has explored the inner sanctum of Ember's throat, and squeezed the spongy button that is Ember's nose. In the hospital, Avery tried to pull the "panic button" clamp off Ember's umbilical cord, which would have given her an "outie" vs. an "innie"!

I think it's safe to say that Ember will be a "hearty lass"! Just wait until she can retaliate!
Big sisters, Erin and Avery, are adjusting fairly well to our new addition, even with the start of kindergarten and Erin's impending 6th birthday.
Daddy is adjusting to being the lone boy in a house of 4 girls! The smallest one seems to have him wrapped around her finger, and his voice and "bouncing"/snuggling works like Benedryl on her!
This girl sleeps so well. She slept through the night at 4 days old, and we've only had a few nights where she's woken more than once - mostly due to burps that didn't make it out the top and the air had to make its way out the other end. She eats very well too, and at her two week appointment she was a whopping 8lb 13+oz - such a different story than her big sisters! If only she were as skilled at burping!
Mommy is adjusting to living with three daughters, and getting them ready to go places. Some of our adventures have included: Orange poop stains on the bottoms of Ember's feet when we've gone to school. After Avery spent an afternoon playing with Mr. Potato Head, I looked away while Ember was sleeping on my lap, and looked back quickly with Ember's screams to see Avery holding her sister's ears at perpendicular angle to her head, and gladly exclaiming "Two ears!" Avery also has explored the inner sanctum of Ember's throat, and squeezed the spongy button that is Ember's nose. In the hospital, Avery tried to pull the "panic button" clamp off Ember's umbilical cord, which would have given her an "outie" vs. an "innie"!
I think it's safe to say that Ember will be a "hearty lass"! Just wait until she can retaliate!
Underarm Aroma
Undeniably funny quote from Erin today ...
Mom: Erin, I think we need to buy you some deodorant. (mom is lying on couch as Erin hugs from overhead, sticking armpit right over mom's face)
Erin: Why would do you say that mom? (with a bit of a snicker)
Mom: Well, I think my face stinks like your armpit now, and it is not pleasant.
Erin: Yeah, but mom, at least it smells a little good.
Mom: Oh, it does?
Erin: Yeah, because it smells like a yummy omelet! I love omelets!
Yep, it's good to be a kindergartener, when the glass is half full, even when you have stinky pits!
Mom: Erin, I think we need to buy you some deodorant. (mom is lying on couch as Erin hugs from overhead, sticking armpit right over mom's face)
Erin: Why would do you say that mom? (with a bit of a snicker)
Mom: Well, I think my face stinks like your armpit now, and it is not pleasant.
Erin: Yeah, but mom, at least it smells a little good.
Mom: Oh, it does?
Erin: Yeah, because it smells like a yummy omelet! I love omelets!
Yep, it's good to be a kindergartener, when the glass is half full, even when you have stinky pits!
Friday, August 01, 2008
I haven't updated our blog for a while, because ... there aren't many things to update. I am now 39 weeks into this pregnancy, and still very pregnant! My due date is a week from today, and I am really hoping to deliver by then. The next few days are supposed to be "scorchers" and I am not looking forward to the heat with this bump on my front! However, if God is not finished with this little princess, I want to give him all the time He needs to complete her construction -- we don't want "doughy in the middle", which is great for cakes and cookies, not so great for "buns" coming out of the oven! I am dilated to a whopping 1 cm and am barely 20% effaced, but the encouraging news is that her head is down, in the correct place, and Dr. Peck, my most amazing OB, is on call this weekend, and will be able to deliver her if she suddenly gets a wild hair and wants to come on out and meet us. It looks like Natalie's birthday remains her own, at this point, and it's a few days until the next Rahija August birthday, so she could have her own day at this point. We also scheduled a tentative date to induce, being August 13th/14th. I really hope it doesn't happen this way, because Erin starts kindergarten on the 14th, and I would really like to take her to school on her first day. If that doesn't happen, it will be fine, she is just really struggling with the idea of the baby and school, and I want to make her transition as easy as possible. God is in control, and I want to leave Him there!
Other news ... Erin and I went school shopping this week, which was fun for about 10 minutes :)
Avery's terrible twos have arrived along with some hitting, screeching, and yelling traits that are so very foreign to us in her. She also shakes her fist in the air like an angry old man at times, which is sometimes very funny.
It's really hot here.
Erin found two more monarch caterpillars yesterday so they are in the butterfly jar atop the bookshelf, munching away on green leaves. We think it might be just the right timing for her to take them to school if the teacher will want them in there, to share.
Daddy and Mommy enjoyed a long weekend without the girls, as Uncle John, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Krista, and Grandpa and Grandma graciously invited Erin and Avery to attend the family reunion in Oklahoma. Aunt Michelle picked them up on Thursday afternoon, and they returned on Monday evening. It appears they all survived. Daddy and Mommy enjoyed two dates, and some much-needed conversation time. We had a ball, and are so thankful to all of them for giving us the gift of time alone together! THANK YOU!
I think that's about it. We haven't done anything too exciting lately, and feel like we're just sitting around waiting! Baby has met all scheduling requirements by family and friends, and now we're just waiting on her! Have a great weekend, and try to stay as "un-hot" as possible!
Other news ... Erin and I went school shopping this week, which was fun for about 10 minutes :)
Avery's terrible twos have arrived along with some hitting, screeching, and yelling traits that are so very foreign to us in her. She also shakes her fist in the air like an angry old man at times, which is sometimes very funny.
It's really hot here.
Erin found two more monarch caterpillars yesterday so they are in the butterfly jar atop the bookshelf, munching away on green leaves. We think it might be just the right timing for her to take them to school if the teacher will want them in there, to share.
Daddy and Mommy enjoyed a long weekend without the girls, as Uncle John, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Krista, and Grandpa and Grandma graciously invited Erin and Avery to attend the family reunion in Oklahoma. Aunt Michelle picked them up on Thursday afternoon, and they returned on Monday evening. It appears they all survived. Daddy and Mommy enjoyed two dates, and some much-needed conversation time. We had a ball, and are so thankful to all of them for giving us the gift of time alone together! THANK YOU!
I think that's about it. We haven't done anything too exciting lately, and feel like we're just sitting around waiting! Baby has met all scheduling requirements by family and friends, and now we're just waiting on her! Have a great weekend, and try to stay as "un-hot" as possible!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We had an exciting event at our house this morning, a journey that began about 10 days ago left the ground today, and took flight. Ten days ago, Erin excitedly ran into the house with her newest pet discovery, a monarch caterpillar. We fixed a jar with leaves, a stick, and some water, hoping to keep the little guy alive until he made his cocoon. We expected it to take a while, but overnight, he started into the process. David saw him wiggling around while hanging from the lid of the jar, but didn't think much about it. When we checked later, the little green, pepper-esque chrysalis hung by a thread from the lid of the jar. Erin was pretty excited, and we continued to check it over the course of the next 9 days. Last night, David and I were inspecting it, and noticed it had changed color, and that we could actually see the beautiful wing pattern through the walls of the chrysalis. This morning, Avery came downstairs and was cold, so I picked her up, and she exclaimed "I see a tatterpillar! A tatterpillar!" She pointed to the jar on top of the bookshelf, and I saw the beautiful creature hanging from the lid, completely unwrapped from the blue cocoon.

I sent Avery upstairs to get Daddy and Erin, and we all quickly dressed and hurried outside to release the amazing orange and black masterpiece.

The butterfly was a bit nervous to fly, so we just let him spread his wings a bit, and get his bearings. He crawled on David's finger and Erin's arm (until she couldn't handle the tickling anymore), and then David set him on some leaves so he could choose his own flight schedule.

We all came in to eat breakfast, and Erin hurried back out to watch him. Half an hour later, she came bursting into the house with the exciting news of the first flight of her monarch. It was an exhilarating morning at the Rahija house! One of God's huge miracles wrapped in a small package!
I sent Avery upstairs to get Daddy and Erin, and we all quickly dressed and hurried outside to release the amazing orange and black masterpiece.
The butterfly was a bit nervous to fly, so we just let him spread his wings a bit, and get his bearings. He crawled on David's finger and Erin's arm (until she couldn't handle the tickling anymore), and then David set him on some leaves so he could choose his own flight schedule.
We all came in to eat breakfast, and Erin hurried back out to watch him. Half an hour later, she came bursting into the house with the exciting news of the first flight of her monarch. It was an exhilarating morning at the Rahija house! One of God's huge miracles wrapped in a small package!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Three Weeks or LESS!
We had our 37 week ob appointment yesterday, and came back with little to report. Baby's heart rate was 147 bpm, my bp was 124/72, and I am still measuring 1 cm smaller than I "should" be measuring on my belly. Next week, Dr Peck will start checking for dilating and effacing, so we have another week to wait and see what's going on in that department.
I think we have a name we like, which is a relief to me! We also have diapers and the carseat washed and ready to go, so I feel prepared in a way.
Grandma Gerstenkorn says we have to wait until the 24th to have this baby, Rachel says we need to wait until August 4th, and Grandma and Grandpa Rahija will be gone from the 25th to the 28th, so they have put in a request for either before or after that timeframe. However, Dr. Peck is back from his vacation, and aside from being off for the weekend, he said he's here for the duration, so we're just going with his schedule :) Any other scheduling requests will be considered, but probably ignored (especially if this baby is anything like her two big sisters!). Thanks for your prayers and support! We can feel it!
I think we have a name we like, which is a relief to me! We also have diapers and the carseat washed and ready to go, so I feel prepared in a way.
Grandma Gerstenkorn says we have to wait until the 24th to have this baby, Rachel says we need to wait until August 4th, and Grandma and Grandpa Rahija will be gone from the 25th to the 28th, so they have put in a request for either before or after that timeframe. However, Dr. Peck is back from his vacation, and aside from being off for the weekend, he said he's here for the duration, so we're just going with his schedule :) Any other scheduling requests will be considered, but probably ignored (especially if this baby is anything like her two big sisters!). Thanks for your prayers and support! We can feel it!
Erin's Firsts
Erin is turning into quite the big girl these days. Her sixth birthday is just around the corner, as is the first day of Kindergarten! She is very excited about this, and just a bit apprehensive. She seems to be in a pattern of "growing up" lately, as I was informed that she was too big for splashy baths, and preferred to shower by herself, and she could take care of the hair/body washing, as long as I was close by in case she got soap in her eyes. I secretly suspect that she really was just tired of Avery's little habit of sticking her little hand into butt cracks - this is actually quite unpleasant! However, we have tried to respect her wishes, and as time allows, she is showering like a big girl.
Another first is her transition away from training wheels on her bike! In under a week she and daddy mastered the tricks of balancing, pedaling, and steering simultaneously, and now they are bike-riding buddies. She LOVES to go fast, especially down hills (as does her daddy!), and asks David to go out riding from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning until bedtime, it seems! This mostly pleases him, except when he is hot and tired :)
The last "first" I have to share is the loss of her first two teeth! According to her, one day, she was chewing on a tumble weed stem that had a little "notch" in it. When she pulled it out of her mouth, her bottom left tooth caught on the notch, causing some initial looseness. Later that evening, we went to Pizza Street, and while biting into a soft cheese stick, the tooth wrenched more loose. She cried as it hurt some, and thankfully she didn't have a mirror, because there was some bleeding. Mommy has a bit of an issue with teeth, so lucky for me, while I went up to refill my drink, Erin reached in and just pulled the tooth out, wrapped it in a napkin, and shared her "surprise" with me when I returned to the table. She was so pleased, and shared her joy with anyone who would listen at Pizza Street. The tooth fairy visited that night, and left a quarter, which I have been informed by another adult, is a very low tooth price, but we have a book about the tooth fairy that says she leaves "a coin" under the pillow of her tooth donors, so I think we're okay for now. The second tooth came out two days later, after Erin twisted it out. I fear she views losing teeth as a lucrative situation, and I hope she doesn't try to pull them out before they are ready! Quarters are pretty valuable around here, because they work in the arcade games at CiCi's and Pizza Street! Fun times, fun times!
Another first is her transition away from training wheels on her bike! In under a week she and daddy mastered the tricks of balancing, pedaling, and steering simultaneously, and now they are bike-riding buddies. She LOVES to go fast, especially down hills (as does her daddy!), and asks David to go out riding from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning until bedtime, it seems! This mostly pleases him, except when he is hot and tired :)
The last "first" I have to share is the loss of her first two teeth! According to her, one day, she was chewing on a tumble weed stem that had a little "notch" in it. When she pulled it out of her mouth, her bottom left tooth caught on the notch, causing some initial looseness. Later that evening, we went to Pizza Street, and while biting into a soft cheese stick, the tooth wrenched more loose. She cried as it hurt some, and thankfully she didn't have a mirror, because there was some bleeding. Mommy has a bit of an issue with teeth, so lucky for me, while I went up to refill my drink, Erin reached in and just pulled the tooth out, wrapped it in a napkin, and shared her "surprise" with me when I returned to the table. She was so pleased, and shared her joy with anyone who would listen at Pizza Street. The tooth fairy visited that night, and left a quarter, which I have been informed by another adult, is a very low tooth price, but we have a book about the tooth fairy that says she leaves "a coin" under the pillow of her tooth donors, so I think we're okay for now. The second tooth came out two days later, after Erin twisted it out. I fear she views losing teeth as a lucrative situation, and I hope she doesn't try to pull them out before they are ready! Quarters are pretty valuable around here, because they work in the arcade games at CiCi's and Pizza Street! Fun times, fun times!
Pics of the Room
Here's some photos of the girls' new sleeping room. They are really enjoying it!

Avery's fallen off the top once, and one night fell out of her own bed three times - that was a fun night! However, she's quite the climber, and gets up and down off of the top bunk like a little monkey (much to the chagrin of her big sister!).
Avery's fallen off the top once, and one night fell out of her own bed three times - that was a fun night! However, she's quite the climber, and gets up and down off of the top bunk like a little monkey (much to the chagrin of her big sister!).
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Sleeping Room Redone
The project weekend was a big success! The sleeping room has been transformed into a periwinkle paradise, complete with new bunk beds, new dressers, new night lights, and happy camper kids. I love it, the kids love it, and David is glad to be done :) If we have time, and I can get it ready, we'd like to do our room too, as I have paint in the garage for it, and rearranging our furniture will help for when the baby arrives and inhabits our room for a while.
We are continuing with the laundry project, and my amazing husband built me a clothes folding table yesterday (thanks to Mark for the 2x4s, from the closet tear-out project!). We can fit two clothes baskets under the table, and two on the shelf, so I can keep laundry sorted easier, and then fold the clothes to take upstairs instead of taking up the baskets of clean clothes that just stay in the baskets and "cure" while we use clothes out of them! I think it feels like we are finally getting this house under control! Yippee! If I can keep it maintained, we'll be doing great! Thanks to all who have helped me in Project Reclaim the House!
We are continuing with the laundry project, and my amazing husband built me a clothes folding table yesterday (thanks to Mark for the 2x4s, from the closet tear-out project!). We can fit two clothes baskets under the table, and two on the shelf, so I can keep laundry sorted easier, and then fold the clothes to take upstairs instead of taking up the baskets of clean clothes that just stay in the baskets and "cure" while we use clothes out of them! I think it feels like we are finally getting this house under control! Yippee! If I can keep it maintained, we'll be doing great! Thanks to all who have helped me in Project Reclaim the House!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
6 weeks remaining
Well, we are on the downhill slope of this pregnancy, and are excited and anxious for it to be done (or at least I am!). Baby is still pretty active, although she sinks lower and lower each day, preparing for her entrance into this world. We had a "preterm labor scare" just over a week ago, but after about 9 hours of regular contractions, we got the the hospital and of course, they stopped! However, our nurse, was very nice, and we are excited for another great experience at Olathe Medical Center's "The Birth Place". My very good friend just started working there, and today is her first day with patients, so we are hopeful that she will be there with us! I had another episode of spotty vision followed by numbness in my arm and a headache this morning, but thankfully it didn't last long, so we are feeling healthy again.
There are still lots of projects to complete before baby arrives: getting the girls' sleeping room painted and put together. We have the paint, Grandpa R dropped off the bunk beds we received from Freecycle on Monday evening, and after the painting is done, we are trading our neighbor for a matching set of dressers (she insists that our blue and yellow dresser is a fair trade for her three pieces - I am thanking God for this provision!). The cubby we pulled from our dumpster has been primed and is waiting for paint. I also need to finish organizing the play room. Grandpa and Daddy built shelving into the closet, and it's wonderful, and the girls are already enjoying being able to see the toys we've "homed" on the shelves. The girls and I need to paint the pegs/hooks for their play clothes, and I need to buy another tub for the dress-up accessories. It's fun to do these things, when the energy is there. We are also trying to get all of our laundry caught up (our regular laundry is fairly under control, but the out of season/too small/rarely wear piles were out of control, so I think I am down to about 5 loads to get us done. Grandma R has come over to help me sort clothes, clean the basement, and other big jobs. What a blessing! This weekend is supposed to be our big project weekend, but things at work are a little uncertain for David taking off Friday and/or Monday, so we'll see what we can accomplish! The other big project to complete soon is finding a name for this new addition to our family. We can't seem to come up with one that we all like. Erin is pulling for Alice ... we were strongly considering Eva/Ava, but with Avery, our friend pointed out that those two names were very similar and could get confusing ... so suggestions are welcome at this point!
Have a great day!
There are still lots of projects to complete before baby arrives: getting the girls' sleeping room painted and put together. We have the paint, Grandpa R dropped off the bunk beds we received from Freecycle on Monday evening, and after the painting is done, we are trading our neighbor for a matching set of dressers (she insists that our blue and yellow dresser is a fair trade for her three pieces - I am thanking God for this provision!). The cubby we pulled from our dumpster has been primed and is waiting for paint. I also need to finish organizing the play room. Grandpa and Daddy built shelving into the closet, and it's wonderful, and the girls are already enjoying being able to see the toys we've "homed" on the shelves. The girls and I need to paint the pegs/hooks for their play clothes, and I need to buy another tub for the dress-up accessories. It's fun to do these things, when the energy is there. We are also trying to get all of our laundry caught up (our regular laundry is fairly under control, but the out of season/too small/rarely wear piles were out of control, so I think I am down to about 5 loads to get us done. Grandma R has come over to help me sort clothes, clean the basement, and other big jobs. What a blessing! This weekend is supposed to be our big project weekend, but things at work are a little uncertain for David taking off Friday and/or Monday, so we'll see what we can accomplish! The other big project to complete soon is finding a name for this new addition to our family. We can't seem to come up with one that we all like. Erin is pulling for Alice ... we were strongly considering Eva/Ava, but with Avery, our friend pointed out that those two names were very similar and could get confusing ... so suggestions are welcome at this point!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A New Post!!!
Yes, friends, it has been too long since I've posted ... my excuse was I couldn't post new pics, and it seems I had several I wanted to post, but have since forgotten which pics they were, so... we'll just post some new random ones so you can see our little family as it's growing!
David and Erin in a stunning pose!

Erin's last day of preschool (before we went for frozen custard)

One of Avery's new skills: undressing in part (haven't taken any of her "in full" pics yet). Here she has her purple shirt stylishly adorning her waist as a belt accessory.

This girl has a fantastic sense of style, just ask Mark!

Who can resist these eyes and the smile?? Mom and Dad - we've been down this road before with big sis! Poor little Princess #3 ... she doesn't stand a chance!

In family news ...
* We said goodbye to Grandma Looney and Grandma Boeck early this spring, and celebrated their homecoming to Jesus.
* Baby Rahija is a girl (yes, that makes three girls; no, we haven't decided on a name yet; yes, David is coping and getting used to the fact that he will be the lone male in the house; no, we do not need a male dog or other pet to help with that situation!).
* Avery turned 2.
* My sister, got married, so now I have two brothers called John/Jon!
* Erin attended Kindergarten Roundup!
* Erin finished pre-school.
Ummm, I think that may be the highlights of life since February. Thanks for checking in with us from time to time. We are both on facebook if you'd like to look us up there. Okay, I have a glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes in 6 hours, and need to get some rest. Have a wonderful day!
David and Erin in a stunning pose!
Erin's last day of preschool (before we went for frozen custard)
One of Avery's new skills: undressing in part (haven't taken any of her "in full" pics yet). Here she has her purple shirt stylishly adorning her waist as a belt accessory.
This girl has a fantastic sense of style, just ask Mark!
Who can resist these eyes and the smile?? Mom and Dad - we've been down this road before with big sis! Poor little Princess #3 ... she doesn't stand a chance!
In family news ...
* We said goodbye to Grandma Looney and Grandma Boeck early this spring, and celebrated their homecoming to Jesus.
* Baby Rahija is a girl (yes, that makes three girls; no, we haven't decided on a name yet; yes, David is coping and getting used to the fact that he will be the lone male in the house; no, we do not need a male dog or other pet to help with that situation!).
* Avery turned 2.
* My sister, got married, so now I have two brothers called John/Jon!
* Erin attended Kindergarten Roundup!
* Erin finished pre-school.
Ummm, I think that may be the highlights of life since February. Thanks for checking in with us from time to time. We are both on facebook if you'd like to look us up there. Okay, I have a glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes in 6 hours, and need to get some rest. Have a wonderful day!
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