Thursday, January 20, 2005

Earning the Ring

Friday is the big day -- I earn my first real piece of Mary Kay jewelry! Our National Sales Director, Stacy James, issued a challenge for everyone to do 6 phone interviews or bring 8 models to meetings this month, and if we met the challenge, we would earn a ring.

I've done 5 interviews this month, and have two scheduled for Friday, so I will earn my ring this week! I am super-excited about this also, because as of now, one girl has filled out an agreement and is waiting on a credit card number, another girl is waiting until her check comes in next month to sign up, and the woman we interviewed today really wants to be a consultant too, and is visiting with her husband about it this evening.

Now, for those of you who have followed my Mary Kay journey, situations like this have risen and fallen through, but even if none of them become consultants, I know I can book and hold several interviews in a month! I am trying to be patient and wait on the Lord to provide a team for me, which will be a ministry and source of even more extra income for my family. He always provides enough, and when I am faithful, He blesses in abundance. Abundance does not always mean overflowing money, but whatever my need is at that time. I know He has equipped me far beyond what I think I can accomplish, and I am excited to travel the next part of the journey! Thank you for all of your support!

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