Thursday, January 20, 2005

Skunk Song a Big Hit

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that my grandma got to come home from the hospital yesterday! The doctors removed 1000 cc of fluid from the cavity in her ribcage around one of her lungs, and the other side drained itself -- that's a lot of fluid! Anyway, she's not so happy because she's on a low-sodium diet, and thinks she won't be able to eat anything that tastes good, but is otherwise in good spirits. Erin and I got to talk to her two days ago on the phone. She requested Erin sing a song for her. After much deliberation (like 2 minutes of silence!), Erin chose the Skunk song ...

Well, I stuck my head in a little skunk's hole
and the little skunk said,
"Well bless my soul!
Take it out! Take it out! Take it out! Take it out!"
Psshhtt ... I removed it!

Quite the charmer, eh?

Anyway, it seemed to lift the spirits! Thanks for all of your prayers for her, and my mom and grandpa. They have had some great ministry opportunities with other families who have been in the ICU, and also with the nursing staff. God was at work here!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Ah... so glad she got to go home. Praise God! :)