Friday, January 14, 2005

Erin Tales

Well, someone requested Erin stories on my blog, so here's the first "big" one. Today, while Erin was coloring in her room (the latest obsession around here!), I heard a strange noise, much like a swooshing sound. I of course sounded the concerned "Erin? What are you doing" call, and the sound increased in speed, intensity, and decible. Becoming very concerned, I lept down the hallway towards her room, slowing before crossing the threshold, and took a deep breath before entering. As one of my fears was realized, I saw my daughter boldly adding color to her wall in great sweeping motions. "The Color Purple" is no longer just an early Oprah movie, it now describes a portion of the wall in my child's room ... in our rental home. Thank goodness for washable crayons and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! Tomorrow we shall tackle that cleaning up project!

Another joyous part of the day, was Erin's bubble bath. We get to take one about once a week, as it's not healthy for little girls to take bubble baths very often, and she LOVES it! She cooks with the bubbles, splashes them, hides her bath toys under them, squealing with delight as they pop to the surface covered in bubbles. Well, today, toys weren't the only things in the bubbles. Yep, you guessed it, Erin pulled the infamously sneaky poop-in-the-tub trick. This happens about once a month, and happens so quickly, even a trained observer (aka: me) can't see it coming -- only floating. It's always a party when this phenomenon occurs, and surprises me EVERY time! Someday I'll learn, but for now, the sneaky trick still gets me every time!

Well, that's it for this session of Erin Tales. Tune in next time when Erin will ...


Anonymous said...


It was fun to get to read about your day yesterday. Sorry we really didn't get to chat much. I couldn't help but laugh at your stories of Erin. You'll have to take some pictures of the wall and post on the blog later. You can even show people how well the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works. I know I was filled with disbelief before we used it. Anyhow, I hope your day is going well, and I hope you get to feeling better than you were this morning.



Krista said...

I agree... where's the picture of Erin's wall art? Sounds kind of like the time Chelle and I tried to "paint" the front of our WHITE house with mud. We got to pose with our picture - for posterity's sake.

Unknown said...

Forget the crayons...did you get a picture of the poop? ;)